Habakkuk 2:1

OLBHeb; HABAKKUK CHAPTER 2 Unto Habakkuk, waiting for an answer, HABAKKUK 2:1, is showed that he must wait in faith, HABAKKUK 2:2. The judgment of the Chaldeans for insatiableness, HABAKKUK 2:5, ambition, HABAKKUK 2:9, cruelty, HABAKKUK 2:12, treacherous dealing, HABAKKUK 2:15, and idolatry, HABAKKU... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:2

AND THE LORD, on whom he waited, and who ruleth all affairs, answered me; did hear my desire, and gave direction what I should do. WRITE; what is only spoken is soon forgot, but what is written is more lasting, therefore write thou the vision showed to thee. THE VISION; the things thou seest, or whi... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:3

FOR; the reason why it must be written is because it should not be forgotten, whilst the appointed time is somewhat afar off; write it that it may be preserved in memory. THE VISION; the accomplishment of the things showed unto thee, what thou seest is coming, and what thou foretellest to them, will... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:4

BEHOLD; note it: there are two sorts of persons who concern themselves in this puzzling question of the Divine providence; some object. and quarrel contest with God, proudly, discontentedly, and impatiently; others inquire humbly, submitting themselves to God, and waiting for him. HIS SOUL, the hear... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:5

BEHOLD; note it: there are two sorts of persons who concern themselves in this puzzling question of the Divine providence; some object. and quarrel contest with God, proudly, discontentedly, and impatiently; others inquire humbly, submitting themselves to God, and waiting for him. HIS SOUL, the hear... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:6

SHALL NOT? the prediction is moulded thus in a question, to give it emphasis, and make it more affective. ALL THESE, who have been oppressed, contumeliously used, and perfidiously deceived; all the people who have feared the power and policy of Babylon. TAKE UP A PARABLE; turn him and his state into... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:7

SHALL THEY NOT? this question doth more fully ascertain the thing. Rise up; either grow up, or else, as men who resolve to do a thing thoroughly, get upon their feet and stand to it. The Medes and Persians were growing to power, and would ere long rise up to ruin Babylon. SUDDENLY; and surprise it i... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:8

The prophet proceeds to give account of the reasons on which the Divine nemesis moves in this affair, and these may convince and confirm us in it. THOU HAST SPOILED MANY NATIONS; slain their people, sacked their cities, robbed their treasuries, led captive the subjects, and deposed kings, and done t... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:9

WOE! it is a general and comprehensive threat against all tyrants and oppressors. To him; every one that is guilty of the sin. THAT COVETETH AN EVIL COVETOUSNESS; or driveth a trade of oppression, to gain by what means soever, right or wrong. This is evil of sin, and will end in evil of trouble. TO... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:10

WOE! it is a general and comprehensive threat against all tyrants and oppressors. To him; every one that is guilty of the sin. THAT COVETETH AN EVIL COVETOUSNESS; or driveth a trade of oppression, to gain by what means soever, right or wrong. This is evil of sin, and will end in evil of trouble. TO... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:11

FOR THE STONE, the strength of thy house, accuseth thee. SHALL CRY OUT; as if it had a voice, it crieth to God for vengeance. THE BEAM, on which thy chambers are laid, SHALL ANSWER IT; confirms the charge against thee; and that fabric cannot be long a safe or a beautiful habitation, whose stones and... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:12

Whosoever he be that lays foundations in blood, is here threatened, and none so great as to keep Off the woe, deserved and menaced. A TOWN, Heb. _city_. WITH BLOOD; in the guilt and with the cruelty of murdering the innocents it is the worst cement which is tempered with blood of murdered men, women... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:13

BEHOLD: the prophet calls for attention, and that we observe who it is will execute vengeance on bloody cities and kingdoms. Babylon is a mighty city, and the kingdom is over-match to any kingdom, and perhaps it may be thought none can give Babylon blood to drink, or kindle a fire in her, that shall... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:14

THE EARTH; the land of Chaldea, of the Medes and Persians, and their confederates, the lands oppressed by the Chaldeans, but Judea more particularly. SHALL BE FILLED; every eye shall see, or ear hear, or tongue speak what they know. WITH THE KNOWLEDGE, sight and sense, OF THE GLORY, just and gloriou... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:15

Another public and crying sin of this Chaldean kingdom was excessive drinking, and making one another drunk, and for this God will severely punish. PUTTEST THY BOTTLE to him; forcing them by importunity or threats to drink by greater measures then they can bear. MAKEST HIM DRUNKEN ALSO; never givest... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:16

THOU, O king of Babylon, ART FILLED, shortly shalt be, and it is as sure as if already done, with shame for glory; as much filled with shame by the contempt they shall cast upon thee whom thou didst once vilify and contemn; thy shame shall be greater than ever was thy glory, as the Hebrew seems to i... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:17

THE VIOLENCE OF LEBANON SHALL COVER THEE: this is added to all the rest, that God's people might know this was the time of recompences for Zion, that the violence by Babylon done to Judea and its inhabitants should be avenged and no longer deferred, but now should overwhelm Babylon, in which should... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:18

Here the prophet removes the confidences of Babylon; she would boast of her gods, and depend on them, but this will be vain and unprofitable, it is not imaginable that these idols should help these persons. THE GRAVEN IMAGE; carved in wood, or stone, for of such materials did these idolmakers someti... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:19

In the former verse the prophet declared the uselessness and unprofitableness of the idols of Babylon, now he threatens the idolaters. They sinned greatly by placing their confidence in them, and they should suffer the more for it. THE WOOD; whatever shape art may give it, or whatever veneration bli... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 2:20

BUT THE LORD: what idols are. he had already showed, a doctrine of lies, impotent and lifeless statues; but the God of Israel is not like them. He is Jehovah, fountain of being, life, power, and salvation to his people; he can do all he will for or against a people. IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE, or palace... [ Continue Reading ]

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