Whosoever he be that lays foundations in blood, is here threatened, and none so great as to keep Off the woe, deserved and menaced. A town, Heb. city. With blood; in the guilt and with the cruelty of murdering the innocents it is the worst cement which is tempered with blood of murdered men, women, and children. And stablisheth; goeth about or thinketh to establish the foundations of a city. A city; Babylon in particular. By iniquity; by force and fraud, by riches extorted from the just possessor. Whosoever he be that lays foundations in blood, is here threatened, and none so great as to keep Off the woe, deserved and menaced. A town, Heb. city. With blood; in the guilt and with the cruelty of murdering the innocents it is the worst cement which is tempered with blood of murdered men, women, and children. And stablisheth; goeth about or thinketh to establish the foundations of a city. A city; Babylon in particular. By iniquity; by force and fraud, by riches extorted from the just possessor.

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