Let us draw near; this contains the duty grounded on, and enconraged to, by the former privileges, viz. the spiritual motion of his church, using Christ for their coming home to God, in prayer, and all parts of worship and conversation: see Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 7:25. With a true heart; with sincerity and integrity of heart, both as it is the subject of actions, and exercising them as such in all acts of worship and service unto God, when the mind and heart is fixed to perform all strictly, according to God's will, for matter and manner, so as to reach him glory, and to obtain from him a blessing, Psalms 37:31. In full assurance of faith; believing in, and being fully assured and confident of, Christ's merits and God's promise, which is trne, faithful, and immutable, to all who perform the duty required by it, Hebrews 6:11 Colossians 2:2 James 1:5. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience; having the soul in all its rational faculties, the inward man, the prime efficient of all actions, and here under bond to the law of God, purged and cleansed; alluding to the Aaronical rite of purifying by sprinkling of blood, as souls are to be now by the blood of Christ when they are justified, Romans 3:23, that God may admit them into his presence, hear them when they worship him, Hebrews 10:19,20; so as they may be free from an accusing or, condemning conscience, on the acconnt of the guilt of sin gnawing them, and making them obnoxious to punishment; as also of the stain and pollution of sin, making them unfit for any communion with God, Hebrews 9:14. And our bodies washed with pure water; the body (as the priests were under the law washed before their service) is the outward man, which is, as well as the soul, to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and cleansd from all filthiness of flesh: these corrupt members of the old man must be put off, and mortified by the Spirit of God, before they can be fit to approach to worship him, Ezekiel 36:25 1 Corinthians 6:11,19,20 2 Corinthians 7:1 1 John 3:3.

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