For ye had compassion of me in my bonds; for ye sympathized in my bonds, &c., is a proof of both kinds of their sufferings forementioned. As to their suffering with others, he instanceth in himself, as a witness of it; for when he was in bonds for preaching the gospel, both at Jerusalem, Acts 21:33,37 Acts 22:24,25, at Cesarea, Acts 23:1:27, at Rome, Acts 28:1, they forewarned him of his danger, bore his burden with him, supplied, relieved him, and endeavoured, what in them lay, his release. And took joyfully the spoiling of your goods; and in their own sufferings, by being rifled for the gospel; their goods, estates, and means of subsistence, were either by fines, confiscations, or violence, ravished from them; their enemies, like so many harpies, preying on them, 1 Thessalonians 2:14. So as these Christian Hebrews at this time had their respective properties, and all was not levelled among them. Though they were so impoverished to make them comply with the Gentile superstition and idolatry, yet they cheerfully bore it, esteeming it their honour and privilege thus to suffer for Christ, and herein obeyed him, as Matthew 5:11,12, and as the apostles did before them, in Acts 5:41. Knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance; they were fully assured of this by faith in God's promise, and by God's work on their own hearts, qualifying and fitting them for it, Romans 8:15. That they have by promise given them as theirs, as fitted for them, a spiritual substance, an estate beyond what this world could afford them; riches, honours, and pleasures, better for their quality than all terrene ones; spiritual ones, proper for their souls, 1 Peter 1:3,4. The sum of which is God in Christ, their exceeding great reward, Genesis 15:1, and all he can be to or do for them. He is their portion and their inheritance, the most excellent in itself, and the most enduring, out of the reach of men or devils, who can neither take it from them, nor them from it, it is safe enough in the heavens, Matthew 6:19,20 Matthew 19:28,29 Psa 16:5 2 Corinthians 5:1 2 Thessalonians 1:4,5.

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