For ye have need of patience: for shows this to be an enforcement of the former direction: Cast not away your confidence, for you have need of grace, which that must maintain in order to carry back your reward. It is therefore absolutely necessary, as well as useful to you, for the bearing of your burdens, persevering in all duty, and waiting for your reward, notwithstanding your reproaches, afflictions, and fiery trials, that you preserve your confidence in maintaining this patience, Hebrews 6:12 Romans 2:7 James 1:4. That, after ye have done the will of God; that having believed God's promises, obeyed his precepts, endured his trials, and persevered in all, according to the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God; and so exercised our patience, and evidenced our confidence, and finished our work; ye might receive the promise; you may carry back, as your full prize, after your race. It is a necessary and true reportation from God, after his will is done, 1 Peter 1:9, 1 Peter 5:4; the reward promised metonymically expressed by the promise, Hebrews 6:15 Hebrews 9:15; all that life and glorious inheritance in the reality and fulness of it, called a crown of glory that fadeth not away, 1 Timothy 4:8 2 Timothy 1:1.

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