Here begin instances of this Divine faith after the flood from Abraham to Moses's time, Hebrews 11:8. The first is the father of believers, so entitled by God, eminent in the exercise of this grace, of whose ancestry, and their descent from him, these Hebrews did greatly glory. He had an express discovery of the will of God unto him, that he should leave the idolatrous place where he lived, Genesis 11:31, Genesis 12:1-3; compare Joshua 24:2 Acts 7:2,3; and with his family should travel to a land which God would show him, and which he would give him as an inheritance for him and his, which was the land of Canaan, as described, Genesis 13:14 25:18,19,21. This command of God, strengthened by a promise, he obeyed, Genesis 12:4 Acts 7:4: through faith, really, freely, and fully resigning up himself and his to God's disposal. And he went out not knowing whither he went; he went forth with his father Terah from his country, kindred, and friends, in Ur of the Chaldees, to Charran, and there they dwelt till Terah died, Genesis 11:31 Acts 7:4. After which, he pursued God's orders in his motion from place to place, though he knew neither the way, nor the place in which and whither he was to move, resting himself on God's word and guidance, and relying wholly on his provision for him, and protection of him in all his ways.

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