Ye have suffered ranch for Christ already, but there is more that he requires from you, and is yet behind, Hebrews 10:32; the condition he fixed with you as his disciples, in Luke 14:26, to lay down your life as well as your relations and goods for him. You may yet be called to testify to him, by suffering a violent and bloody death from his and your enemies, as other martyrs had done for him: consider him who hath suffered a worse death for you, to sweeten yours to you, that you do not faint, fail, or turn apostates from him and his truth; resisting with agonies whatsoever men or devils use to entice or force us to apostatize from Christ, since there will be neither arts nor powers wanting to it. Watch you, pray, and strive to the utmost against them, Luke 22:31,32 1 Peter 5:9.

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