If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons: his reason he illustrateth from the convertibility of sufferring affliction and chastening from God the Father, and being his child; If ye have a child-like sense of chastening, such afflictions and sufferings from him as the Father ordereth to you, so as quietly and patiently to bear them, and by faith expecting a saving issue from them; God the Father in love chastening you, beareth, carrieth, and offereth himself to you as a father to his son, full of grace and love, Leviticus 26:41 Job 13:15 Psalms 89:30 Micah 7:9. For what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? No son or child of God can be instanced in, who was capable of chastening, but more or less have felt it; even God's only and best beloved One, Hebrews 5:8, for our sakes felt it, Isaiah 53:5. The interrogation is a vehement assertion, and so to be resolved.

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