Hebrews 2:1

OLBGrk; HEBREWS CHAPTER 2 HEBREWS 2:1 The obligation we are under to give more earnest heed to the gospel doctrine. HEBREWS 2:5 The dominion of the world to come was not granted to angels, but to the Son of man, whom it behoved to undergo a previous course of humiliation and suffering. In this and t... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:2

OLBGrk; This and the following verse is a rational motive used by the Spirit to enforce the foregoing duty, and shows the danger of their persons by the neglect of it. FOR IF THE WORD SPOKEN BY ANGELS; for if the law of God delivered by the ministry of angels to these Hebrews forefathers at Mount Si... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:3

HOW SHALL WE ESCAPE? This consequent answereth the antecedent in HEBREWS 2:2, but in one part of it, that which concerns the punishment of the transgressors of the law, thus: If the word by angels, much more the word by the Son; and if sins against that were punished, much more sins against this: th... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:4

OLBGrk; GOD ALSO BEARING THEM WITNESS: here is a further aggravation of the neglect of the gospel of salvation, from God's testifying to it by the works and gifts of his Holy Spirit: such sin grievously, and will receive a proportionable punishment; for God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, cotesti... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:5

FOR UNTO THE ANGELS: the Spirit having applied the doctrine of the great gospel Minister, exceeding the prophets of old, and having a more excellent name and office than angels, in respect of his Deity, pursues to show these Hebrews, that he is so likewise in respect of his humanity, the other natur... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:6

OLBGrk; BUT ONE IN A CERTAIN PLACE TESTIFIED: the Spirit proves affirmatively out of one of the prophets, that with these Hebrews it might have the more weight and authority, by an elliptical speech, that this world to come was subject to the great gospel Minister: But to Jesus he put in subjection... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:7

OLBGrk;OLBHeb; THOU MADEST HIM: Hlattwsav, so diminished, as it supposed the subject to be in a higher condition before: this no man ever was, but the man Christ Jesus: see PHILIPPIANS 2:7,8. A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS: bpacu ti, may refer to his condition, and to the duration of it. He was lowe... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:8

THOU HAST PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET; the impartial, righteous Jehovah the Father, is the relation in the Trinity, spoken of in the relative _Thou, _ throughout these verses. He is God's King; for his personal worth and excellencies, preferred before principalities and powers, and e... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:9

BUT WE SEE JESUS, WHO WAS MADE A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS: this second application of the psalmist's words demonstrates Jesus, the gospel Prophet, to be the man or Adam intended by the Spirit there; and his humiliation and exaltation to be the matter asserted of him: see HEBREWS 2:7. FOR THE SUF... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:10

OLBGrk; FOR IT BECAME HIM: a further reason of Christ's humiliation and sufferings is added, to show the necessity of his being lower than the angels for a while; in which the Spirit prevents what these Hebrews were apt to question, why God would have Christ thus to die, &c., by adding: Therefore it... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:11

FOR BOTH HE THAT SANCTIFIETH: _for_ shows the reason of the Son's incarnation, viz. the necessity of union in nature between the sanctifying Mediator and the sanctified sinner. The great gospel Minister was to bring many sons to glory by suffering, which he was not capable of, but by being united to... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:12

SAYING; this brings in the proof, that the great gospel Minister, Christ, God-man, did call his sanctified ones BRETHREN; and was by the same nature so related to them. The proof is in PSALMS 22:22, where the apostle asserts, Christ spoke what was said by the prophet there; and that this Psalm conce... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:13

AND AGAIN, I WILL PUT MY TRUST IN HIM: this is a further proof that Christ's sanctified ones are his brethren, his exercising himself in a necessary work proper to that brotherhood only. They are all _of the household of faith,_ GALATIANS 6:10; their business is to believe in God. All who do so, are... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:14

OLBGrk; FORASMUCH THEN AS THE CHILDREN ARE PARTAKERS OF FLESH AND BLOOD: the Spirit having proved the children and brethren sanctified by Christ to be men, proceeds to prove, that the Sanctifier of them was of the same nature with themselves; and so confirms what he asserted, HEBREWS 2:11, that they... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:15

The effect of the former destruction of the devil is laid down in this verse, viz. the children's freedom from the fear of death, to which, being slaves to the devil, they were once in bondage. AND DELIVER THEM; he, by breaking and disannulling the devil's power, doth really, fully, and justly exemp... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:16

OLBGrk; FOR VERILY HE TOOK NOT ON HIM THE NATURE OF ANGELS: the Spirit having asserted the deliverance of the children from their slavery to the devil, shows here the means by which it was effected, even by the gospel Prophet, being a man, and not an angel; he took their nature to himself, that by d... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:17

OLBGrk; IT BEHOVED HIM: the last reason why God the Son assumed and united the human nature in the seed of Abraham to his person, and was by it made like his brethren, and for a little while lower than the angels, was, that he might be capable to receive and execute the office of priesthood, by whic... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 2:18

FOR IN THAT HE HIMSELF HATH SUFFERED: the reason foregoing the Spirit illustrates in this verse; he is such a merciful and faithful High Priest, by being a sufferer himself, which he could not have been feelingly, but by his being incarnate. So many, great, and afflictive sufferings never any endure... [ Continue Reading ]

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