OLBGrk; HEBREWS CHAPTER 3 Hebrews 3:1 Christ is showed to be more worthy than Moses. Hebrews 3:7 We must be careful therefore not to follow the example of the obstinate and unbelieving Israelites in the wilderness. Several uses the Holy Ghost makes, from the beginning of this chapter to the end of chapter four, \Hebrews 3:1:16\ of the gospel doctrine of God the Son incarnate, set by the Father in office, to deal for sinners towards God as their great Prophet. The counsel he giveth is comprehended in; \Hebrews 3:1\ and as directing these Hebrews to their duty, so further explaining and confirming his office to them, by comparing of him with Moses, and setting him as above angels, so above him; and to be so valued, esteemed, and preferred by these Hebrews: seeing this great gospel Prophet was for a little while made lower than the angels in his humanity, and it was infinitely beneficial to us upon the account of what he suffered in it in our stead, and purchased by it for our good; therefore should those who are partakers of it, being related in the flesh to him as Hebrews, descending with them from Abraham, consider, but much more as Christians, believing and adopted in him to be God's children, and sanctified by his Spirit, 1 Peter 1:1 2 Peter 1:1. Partakers of the heavenly calling; and made thus a Christian fraternity by the heavenly calling of them out of the world by the gospel; when by his Spirit he enlightened their minds, and renewed their wills, and made them obedient to it, so as for the temper of their souls they are made holy, and for their condition happy; the work of God's power and mercy eminently appearing in it: God therein preventing man, so as he influenceth him to hear him from heaven, walk worthy of heaven, and at last to rest in heaven for ever. Consider; katanohsate imports not a bare single act of the mind, to think on, or understand, but a repeated one, to think again and again, expressed by that periphrasis of laying it to heart, pressing on their spirits the due effort of faith and obedience arising out of this observation, Isaiah 52:15. The Apostle; God's Messenger, his own Son sent from heaven to be incarnate, with authority to execute in his human nature his prophetical, as all his offices, and with authority to send forth his apostles to do their part, 1 Thessalonians 20:21; which is no more than is intimated in that title, the Messenger of the covenant, Isaiah 42:19 Zechariah 3:1; that was, to propose it to and confirm it with them. This was he by whom Moses desired God's message might be sent to them, Exodus 4:13; and whom he foretold should bring it, Deuteronomy 18:15 Acts 3:22,23. And High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus: the Son is the great gospel High Priest, to deal in all matters with God for them, Hebrews 2:17. The offices divided among other persons in the Old Testament church were all united in his person, he doth transcend them all, being a High Priest peculiar to the called and sanctified ones of God, of which all preceding were faint resemblances and types; he, the most excellent Minister of the Christian faith and religion professed by them, being anointed unto all these offices in the flesh by the Father with the Holy Ghost, Hebrews 1:2; and being Jesus a Saviour, our Emmanuel, God on our side, saving his people from their sins, and re-uniting them to God, Matthew 1:21, 3 John 17:21.

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