But Christ as a son over his own house; the anointed gospel Prophet by God the Father, Hebrews 1:9, who was eminently faithful and true to his trust, who is Heir and Lord of all, and therefore by the law of nature and nations is above the best servant, Galatians 4:1. Who is the Head and Lord over his own church, which he purchased by his own blood, Acts 20:28, and built for himself. Moses was in it but a servant, fulfilling his Master's will and pleasure, and ordering all in it agreeable to it. Whose house are we; the Hebrews personal privilege, as well as the Prophet's excellency, persuading and obliging them to know by consideration what is represented to them, and to influence their hearts to a perseverance under his teaching and government in their Christian course, because they are parts of his house, and members of his church; a particular house, and body, and church to him, and members of the catholic one. A temple, wherein God doth inhabit and dwell by his Spirit, 1 Corinthians 3:16,17: compare Ephesians 2:21, Ephesians 3:17 1 Timothy 3:15. A house he will glorify and perfect with his own presence, and which he will fill with transcendently more glory than he did the literal temple, Exodus 40:34,35 2 Chronicles 7:1,2 Isa 6:1,5: compare Haggai 2:6. But how completely shall it be filled with his glory in heaven! Philippians 3:21. How should such a glorious state influence them to a sincere perseverance in his religion! If we hold fast the confidence; a tenacious holding, as with both hands, with our utmost strength, against all insinuations and temptations of all adversaries whatsoever, which would either entice or force them from it. parrhsian thv elpidov, is an ingenuous, bold, and confident profession of our hope before all the world, without doubting, wavering, or fearful shaking about what is the true object of it, let the persecutions or sufferings for it be what they will. And the rejoicing of the hope: hope here is a firm expectation of salvation in eternal glory by Jesus Christ. It necessarily includes in it faith, for we cannot hope for that we do not believe; and faith representing to the soul from the gospel, Christ purchasing, and the Father in him covenanting and promising to give it to us, if we truly believe in and sincerely obey him, so as we may on the surest and best grounds look out for it, and expect it, Hebrews 3:14, Hebrews 6:11 Acts 26:6,7: compare Colossians 1:5,23 Tit 2:13 1 Peter 1:3. This hope keeps up the soul in a joyous and glorious condition under all threatening evil; it makes Christians glory in tribulation, Romans 5:2,3 Romans 12:12; rejoicing in want of sensible good, 2 Corinthians 6:10; compare 1 Peter 5:10. Firm unto the end; both this confidence and glorying of hope must be retained firm to the end. Persevere they must in the exercise of them with stability and constancy, till they reach the salvation of their souls, Colossians 1:23 1 Peter 1:5; which Christians are not to trust to their own power to compass, but on the continued assistance of God in the use of those means that he hath appointed thereunto, who will never be wanting to such who do so rely on him, and constantly seek it from him, 1 Corinthians 1:8,9.

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