Hebrews 6:1

HEBREWS CHAPTER 6 HEBREWS 6:1 The higher doctrines of Christianity are proposed to be treated of. HEBREWS 6:4 The guilt and danger of apostacy. HEBREWS 6:10 Charitable deeds will not be forgotten of God. HEBREWS 6:11,12 An exhortation diligently to imitate the faith and patience of those who inherit... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:2

OF THE DOCTRINE OF BAPTISMS: the third fundamental doctrine in which these Hebrews were initiated was, the _doctrine of baptisms; _ containing in it the doctrine which baptism teacheth, as that of the covenant of grace, of which it is a sign and seal, and of their entering into it who partake of it,... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:3

This connects the prime cause promoting this progress, and by whom alone it can be effected, as well as his resolution of finishing his discourse of the ministry of Christ's priesthood. AND THIS WILL WE DO; we will really, certainly, and constantly, leave our entrance into these Christian, fundament... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:4

OLBGrk; The foregoing counsel the Spirit enforceth on these Hebrews, from the danger of apostacy, to which the neglect of it doth dispose them, and the terrifying consequents of it, from HEBREWS 6:4. We must go on to perfection, unless we will draw back to perdition: so that he bespeaks them: You ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:5

AND HAVE TASTED THE GOOD WORD OF GOD; so as to relish comfort and sweetness in the doctrine and promises of the gospel through self-flattery; for these hearing of pardon of sin, and crediting it, are filled with joy by it; as a condemned malefactor, hearing of a general pardon, believeth himself to... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:6

OLBGrk; IF THEY SHALL FALL AWAY; a falling away, or apostatizing, in proportion like Adam, such a paraptwma as his was, ROMANS 5:15, whereby they are totally unchristianed, as he was turned into a sinner; perfidiously revolting from all those supernatural workings of the Holy Ghost, whereby their na... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:7

FOR THE EARTH WHICH DRINKETH IN THE RAIN THAT COMETH OFT UPON IT: _for_ is narrative here, and not rational, introducing a parabolical illustration of the states and ends of truly regenerate Christians, and unregenerate apostates; as if he said: You have heard the good of true perfect Christians, an... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:8

OLBGrk; BUT THAT WHICH BEARETH THORNS AND BRIERS: de _but, _ introduceth the state and end of a sinful apostate, that ill earth, showered upon as well as the good; the unregenerate soul, that had gospel dews and spiritual rain by the word and ordinances dropped down on it from heaven; yet bringeth f... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:9

For preventing of the application of this discourse unto themselves, the apostle subjoins his judgment concerning these Hebrews in this verse, and his reason for it in the next. BUT, BELOVED, WE ARE PERSUADED BETTER THINGS OF YOU; although we have spoken of the attainments, states, and ends of apost... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:10

FOR introduceth the reason of the apostle's former persuasion concerning them, which was the real graces of faith and love to God wrought in their hearts, and shown in their work, which was better than all enlightenings. GOD IS NOT UNRIGHTEOUS; the affirmative is implied, God is just, and faithful,... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:11

OLBGrk; AND WE DESIRE THAT EVERY ONE OF YOU DO SHOW THE SAME DILIGENCE: having thus commended them, to show he did not flatter them in it, he discovereth what was wanting in them, and introduceth it with the particle But, we desire you; epiyumoumen properly signifieth the inward affection and strong... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:12

OLBGrk; THAT YE BE NOT SLOTHFUL: if you will be diligent, away with sloth: you are inclined to it, HEBREWS 5:11, and though you be quick in affection, yet slow in understanding the mysteries of God; and though you have laboured, yet not with that intense labour to which he here presseth them, even t... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:13

FOR WHEN GOD MADE PROMISE TO ABRAHAM: _for_ is a confirmation by instance, that faith and patience had made some to inherit the promises, as Abraham, and what was influencing of him in the exercising them, viz. God's promise and oath. God Almighty, who was as able to perform as to make a promise, GE... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:14

OLBHeb; Here is laid down the form and matter of God's oath: the form, in GENESIS 22:16, is implied in the particle yk in this text well rendered _surely,_ HEBREWS 3:11. The other defective expressions are forms of swearing, as if, except, unless; but here it is positive, _surely, _ or verily, which... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:15

AND SO, AFTER HE HAD PATIENTLY ENDURED: Abraham's carriage was suitable to this sworn promise, his soul did patiently wait for it full thirty years, enduring and suffering many temptations about it; yet he overcame all, and continued firm in the covenant to the end; his faith extended his soul in a... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:16

FOR MEN VERILY SWEAR BY THE GREATER: _for_ here is only narrative, introducing the amplification of the argument drawn from God's promise and oath, for the quickening those and all believers to make out after the full assurance of hope, the promise and oath of God concerning them as well as Abraham.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:17

OLBGrk; The apostle having stated the nature of an oath in the antecedent, subjoins and applies it in a consequent, in which he shows that God sware to this end, that his own counsel might appear to be immutable, and the consolation of believers greater. WHEREIN GOD, WILLING MORE ABUNDANTLY TO SHOW;... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:18

THAT BY TWO IMMUTABLE THINGS: another end of the Mediator's oath is here added, God's oath and a promise spoken to before, which are firm and stedfast to eternity; heaven and earth may pass away, but they cannot. IN WHICH IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE, i.e. to cease to be himself, for essential t... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:19

WHICH HOPE WE HAVE AS AN ANCHOR OF THE SOUL, BOTH SURE AND STEDFAST: _which, _ taketh in both the good hoped for, and the grace and act itself of hope exercised about it; which grace is by a metaphor set out to be to the soul what an anchor is to ships in a tempest, when tossed with gusts, and storm... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 6:20

WHITHER THE FORERUNNER IS FOR US ENTERED: this heaven is actually possessed for us already by a harbinger, who came at his Father's word to fit and prepare us for it, and then again returned in our nature, and as our Head and Representative he hath entered, made the way open, and paved the coast for... [ Continue Reading ]

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