And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence: having thus commended them, to show he did not flatter them in it, he discovereth what was wanting in them, and introduceth it with the particle But, we desire you; epiyumoumen properly signifieth the inward affection and strong desire of heart that the apostle had of their further profit. The Spirit lusted in him for this, Galatians 5:17, which was not only convenient for them, but necessary for their perfection. And this desire of his was not for all promiscuously, but that each single person who was a lover of God and his saints, should use all means diligently, as they had in degree done before, to have this perfected to the end of their life, 2 Peter 1:5. It is an earnest agitation and hastening of spirit within, and a demonstrative discovery of the same without to the utmost, Romans 2:7. To the full assurance of hope unto the end; their souls with full sails constantly making out after this most certain and full assurance of faith, to the excluding of every doubtful thought of the truth of God and his promises, and of hope, shutting out all wavering, unsettledness, or impatience in waiting for the accomplishment of the good, which is secured by the merit and intercession of Christ, the purpose, promise, and oath of God to them, Hebrews 10:22,23; compare Romans 4:21 Colossians 1:24. Hope here is not synonymous with faith, yet its certain concomitant; and is a vehement desire and longing after, with a patient expectation of, what is possible and sure to be enjoyed, because God hath promised and sworn it; though it be at never so great a distance, yet to be communicated by him to his in his best time, Hebrews 11:1; compare Romans 4:13 Titus 1:2 1 Peter 1:3,13,21. This Christian diligence must continue to the end of their own days, and the perfection of their grace in glory, until they come unto the entire possession of what they believed, hoped for, and were fully assured of, Romans 6:22 1 Peter 1:9,13.

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