For there was a tabernacle made: the Spirit descends to a particular account of the three former adjuncts to the covenant, beginning with the last, the sanctuary; which being glorious, he advanceth the glory of Christ from the place of his ministry above it. For is demonstrative of what was asserted Hebrews 9:1, the first visible habitation that God had amongst men, 2 Samuel 7:6, as a token of his gracious presence with them. This tabernacle consisted of three parts, of the court where stood the brazen altar of burnt offerings, the brazen laver for the priests to wash the sacrifices in, and to purify themselves when they came and offered them upon the altar, Exodus 27:1, &c.; Exodus 30:17 38:1-20 40:28-33. This court the Holy Ghost here leaves out. Separated from this court by a veil was the first tent or tabernacle, called the sanctuary, or holy place, where the priest did the daily service, which is called the first, Exodus 26:36, Exodus 40:22-29. Inward of this, and separated by a veil, was the holy of holiest, where the ark was, and where the high priest only entered once a year, Exodus 25:10,22 Exodus 40:20,21. This tabernacle was according to God's pattern and command, prepared, finished, and reared up by Moses, Exodus 40:1. The first; the sanctuary, or holy place, separated by one veil from the holy of holiest, and from the court by another, had in it the following sacred utensils. The candlestick; for matter and form answering God's pattern, as Exodus 25:31,40 Exodus 37:17,25 40:24,25. It was of pure gold, and of six branches artificially wrought, by which was typified that Spirit of light which Christ giveth to the true tabernacle, his body mystical, the church wherein God dwelleth, not unusually set out by lamps, Revelation 4:5. And by reason of that light is the church set out by the emblem of candlesticks, Revelation 1:4,12,13,20. The table; for matter, of plates of pure gold covering the shittim wood, and a crowning verge of gold round it, Exodus 25:23 37:10-16 Exodus 40:22,23. Most excellent for its spiritual use, setting out Christ in all his excellencies, well stored and furnished for his; which the Jews by their unbelief and profaneness made contemptible, Zechariah 1:7. The shewbread was twelve cakes made and set on the table, new every sabbath day in the morning, and when taken away were to be eaten by the priests only, Exodus 25:30, Exodus 40:23 Leviticus 24:5. However, on David's necessity God dispensed with that law, and allowed him to eat of it, Mark 2:26. This was an emblem of God's provision for the twelve tribes, the type of his church; and the bestowing on them the bread of life from heaven, the all-sufficient food for them, 1 Thessalonians 6:32; compare Colossians 2:16,17. Which is called the sanctuary; which first tabernacle was called the holy place or sanctuary, being relatively so, as God's tent, and no otherwise, so is it styled by the Spirit, Exodus 26:33.

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