Hosea 12:1

HOSEA CHAPTER 12 Ephraim and Judah are both reproved, HOSEA 12:1,2. In consideration of God's former favours to Jacob they are exhorted to repent, HOSEA 12:3. Ephraim's sins and ingratitude provoke God, HOSEA 12:7. EPHRAIM FEEDETH ON WIND: it is a proverbial speech, denoting; the self-flattery of Ep... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:2

THE LORD HATH ALSO A CONTROVERSY WITH JUDAH; though Judah, compared with Ephraim, be faithful, yet when considered in his ways and doings he is found faulty in many things, and God hath just matter of complaint against Judah in point of manners; in public worship Judah was faithful, kept to God and... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:3

HE, Jacob, TOOK HIS BROTHER, Esau, by the heel in the womb: the matter of fact you have GENESIS 25:26; the design of mentioning it in this place is to mind them of that goodness which God showed to them in their father Jacob, who was by a miracle foretold to be superior to Esau, that he and his shou... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:4

HE; your famous progenitor of whom you boast. HAD POWER; behaved himself as a prince with God, GENESIS 32:28. OVER; with: the angel was willing to be conquered, or Jacob could not have gotten the victory. THE ANGEL; called God, HOSEA 12:3, and, HOSEA 12:5, is Jehovah, _Lord of hosts_. He was no crea... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:5

EVEN, or and, he that appeared and spake, who promised the blessing, and commanded the reformation at Beth-el, was THE LORD, Jehovah, the eternal and unchangeable God, who still promiseth with like commands. GOD OF HOSTS; who can both perform his promise and execute his threat, who is a most terribl... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:6

THEREFORE; no more vainly boast of Jacob; but, as he, do you approve yourselves to God. TURN THOU TO THY GOD; repent, leave idols, and all sins. He worshipped God alone, do you so; he cast idols out of his family, do you so too, be Jacob's children herein. KEEP MERCY; show kindness to all who need i... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:7

HE IS A MERCHANT; Ephraim, of whom here, is so far from being Jacob, or as Jacob, that you may call and account him a Canaanite, a subtle merchant. THE BALANCES OF DECEIT ARE IN HIS HAND; what he cannot gain by fair trading, he will by downright cheating; he is covetous, and very unjust. HE LOVETH T... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:8

EPHRAIM SAID; this covetous, oppressive merchant reckoned with himself, or discoursed with himself, upon the whole of his trading. YET I AM BECOME RICH; whatever is said by some, or thought by others, yet I get what I aim at: either it is good and lawful, and prospered to me by the blessing of God o... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:9

AND, or but, I the Lord thy God, who forbade thy frauds and gave thee wealth, and am forgotten in both, thou fearest not mine anger and sinnest; thou forgettest that I give thee power to get wealth, and takest glory to thyself; but wouldst thou, as thou shouldst, remember, thou wouldst know THAT I A... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:10

I HAVE ALSO SPOKEN BY THE PROPHETS; Heb. _and_, i.e. since I would have continued Ephraim's peaceful state, I have spoken to them by my prophets, who have warned them of their danger, reproved them for their sins, entreated them to repent and do their duty; so I would have established them, my proph... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:11

IS THERE INIQUITY IN GILEAD? in this concise interrogatory the prophet warns the refractory, ungodly Israelites by an example of God's wrath on them. About A.M. 326.1, at Ahaz's request and charges, Tiglath-pileser came up against Israel, and took Gilead among other towns, leading the inhabitants ca... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:12

JACOB, the patriarch, FLED INTO THE COUNTRY OF SYRIA, for fear of Esau. AND ISRAEL, though honoured with that great name, served, stooped to the condition which is next door to slave, FOR A WIFE; a wife was his wages. AND FOR A WIFE HE KEPT SHEEP OF LABAN. All which in the history is related at larg... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:13

BY A PROPHET, by Moses, THE LORD BROUGHT ISRAEL, your forefathers, out of Egypt; where they had been bondmen two hundred and fifteen years, or near upon it, old slaves, or vassals for some descents. BY A PROPHET WAS HE PRESERVED IN THE WILDERNESS: see EXO 2 EXO 3, &c. Now the drift of the prophet he... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 12:14

EPHRAIM PROVOKED HIM TO ANGER MOST BITTERLY: after all the means used from time to time to reclaim idolatrous sinning Israel, yet still they provoked God to indignation by their idolatries, perjuries, oppressions, murders, and all manner of sins which use to be rife among idolaters; these things wer... [ Continue Reading ]

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