HOSEA CHAPTER 12 Ephraim and Judah are both reproved, Hosea 12:1,2. In consideration of God's former favours to Jacob they are exhorted to repent, Hosea 12:3. Ephraim's sins and ingratitude provoke God, Hosea 12:7. Ephraim feedeth on wind: it is a proverbial speech, denoting; the self-flattery of Ephraim, his supporting himself with hopes as unfit to sustain him, as the wind is to feed the body and nourish it; in his religious pretensions he did, hypocrite like, compass God with lies, and now in his civil concerns he compasseth himself with lies. Followeth after the east wind: in those countries the east winds were most vehement, dangerous, and blasting, Psalms 48:7 Jonah 4:8; a very apt emblem to represent the self-destroying course which Ephraim took, which, though yet he will not believe, shall ere long scorch, blast, rend, and tear him as the tempestuous east winds do the weaker and unfenced plants. He daily increaseth lies; by making new leagues, and fortifying himself with them against the menaces of God by his prophets, he increaseth friendships; but all of them will prove lies to him at last, like the wind he feeds on. The like you have Hosea 10:13 Isaiah 57:9,13. And desolation: this is worse than merely to be disappointed by a lie; as before the east wind was hurtful and did him mischief, so here his purchased friendships shall hasten and increase his desolation. The league made with Sua, or So, king of Egypt, was accounted a conspiracy in Hoshea, and this brought Shalmaneser upon Israel, which war ended in Israel's ruin and final desolation. They do make a covenant with the Assyrians; with purpose to defeat the threats of God, and to secure themselves in their courses. Thus they sinfully confederate as before, Hosea 5:13, Hosea 7:11 8:9; they forsake God's covenant, and trust not him, but make a covenant with enemies, and trust them. Oil is carried into Egypt; not common oil for trade, but rich and precious oils, presents and price to procure friendship there too, though forbidden, Isaiah 30:2,6 Isaiah 31:1.

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