Hosea 3:1

HOSEA CHAPTER 3 By the prophet taking unto him an adulteress is showed the desolation of Israel, and their restoration. THEN, or _And_, Heb. or Furthermore. SAID THE LORD; commanded. _Unto me_; Hosea. _Go yet_; again, or once more; so it implieth he had once already been commanded and done some such... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 3:2

SO I BOUGHT HER; as I was commanded, I procured, or, as we read it, bought her: which exactly answers to the state of the Jews when in Egypt, tainted with Egyptian idolatry, and poor, without a portion; bought or redeemed to be affianced to God. FIFTEEN PIECES OF SILVER; whatever was the exact quant... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 3:3

This verse is the form of contract, or the articles of agreement, between the prophet and this woman. ABIDE FOR ME; dwell with me, and expect and wait in an unmarried condition, until I see it fit to espouse thee. MANY DAYS; it is not said how long, but a slave, as she is represented here, may not t... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 3:4

Now the parable is unfolded and made plain; it shall be with Israel much like as with such a woman, they and she guilty of adultery, both punished with a divorce, both punished long with such afflicted state, both made slaves, kept hardly, and valued meanly, yet in mercy at last pardoned, reaccepted... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 3:5

AFTERWARD; after these long and sore troubles have broken their hearts and opened their eyes. RETURN; repent; it is not a promise of return into their own country. SEEK THE LORD THEIR GOD, to know his way, and to live under his protection and blessing, to worship him, and they shall pray to him, dep... [ Continue Reading ]

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