Woe unto them! it is the voice both of menace and lamentation, the prophet doth at once foretell and bewail their miseries. They have fled from me; as if it were not enough that they did at first leave my government, temple, and worship, they have gone further from me, they have hastened herein, they flew from me as birds on wing: their sin is apostacy. Destruction unto them! this explains the woe already mentioned, such woe it will be as ends in destruction. Because they have transgressed against me; rebelliously cast off my law and government, much in state, more in church matters, oppressors in one, idolaters in the other, and incorrigible in both. Though I have redeemed them; out of Egypt; but that is long since, and the prophet speaks of deliverance nearer to the times he lived in: God redeemed them partly by Joash, 2Ki 18, but more fully by Jeroboam the Second, 2Ki 14, and would have completed this deliverance, but they by sins hinder it. Yet they have spoken lies against me; practically they belie me, fleeing to idols, worshipping them, praying to them, as if I were not able or willing to help them; and ascribing praise of the good they enjoy to their idols, Hosea 2:5: they belied his corrections, as if not deserved, or severer than need; they belied the good done, as if too little, or not done by God, but by their idol.

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