Is not Calno as Carchemish? have not I conquered one place as well as another, the stronger as well as the weaker? Have I not from time to time added new conquests to the old? Calno seems to be the same with Calneh, Genesis 10:10 Amos 6:2, a great and strong city. Carchemish was a city upon Euphrates, of which 2 Chronicles 35:20 Jeremiah 46:2. Is not Hamath as Arpad? Hamath was an eminent city of Syria, not far from Euphrates, called Hemath, or Hamath the great, Amos 6:2; of which see 2 Kings 14:28, 2 Kings 17:24 Jeremiah 49:23. Arpad seems to have been an obscure place, not being elsewhere named. Is not that as soon conquered as this? Is not Samaria as Damascus? or, shall not Samaria be as Damascus ? Shall I not take that as I have done this city? For although Damascus possibly was not yet taken by the Assyrian, yet the prophet speaks of it as actually taken, because these words are prophetically delivered, and supposed to be uttered by the king of Assyria at or about the siege of Samaria, when Damascus was taken.

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