Isaiah 13:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 13 God's armies, ISAIAH 13:1. The destruction of Babylon by the Persians and Medes: their great distress and anguish; and their utter desolation, ISAIAH 13:6. THE BURDEN: this title is commonly given to sad prophecies, which indeed are grievous burdens to them upon whom they are laid.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:2

LIFT YE UP A BANNER, to gather soldiers together for this expedition. UPON THE HIGH MOUNTAIN; whence it may be discerned at a considerable distance. Withal he seems to intimate that their enemies should come from the mountainous country of Media. UNTO THEM; to the Medes, who are named below, ISAIAH... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:3

MY SANCTIFIED ONES; the Medes and Persians, fitly so called, because they were solemnly designed and set apart by God for his own service, and for this holy work of executing his just vengeance upon them. MY MIGHTY ONES; those whom I have made mighty for this work. IN MY HIGHNESS; or, as others rend... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:4

THE KINGDOMS OF NATIONS; the Medes and Persians, and other nations which served under them in this war; of which see JEREMIAH 25:14, JEREMIAH 27:7 50:41.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:5

FROM THE END OF HEAVEN; from the ends of the earth under heaven, as MATTHEW 24:30; which is not to be understood strictly and properly, but popularly and hyperbolically, as such expressions are commonly used in sacred and profane authors. And yet in some respects this might be truly said of Persia,... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:6

IT SHALL COME AS A DESTRUCTION; or rather, a destruction or devastation shall come, as the LXX. and vulgar Latin render it. For this was not AS A DESTRUCTION, but was a destruction indeed. And the particle as is not seldom used to express, not the likeness, but the reality of the thing, as 1 THESSAL... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:8

THEY SHALL BE AMAZED ONE AT ANOTHER, to see so populous and impregnable a city as Babylon was, so easily and unexpectedly taken. FLAMES, Heb. _faces of flame_; either pale with fear, or inflamed with rage and torment, as men in misery frequently are. Some render it _the faces of Lehabim_, a people d... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:9

CRUEL BOTH WITH WRATH AND FIERCE ANGER; divers words are heaped together, to signify the extremity of his anger. THE SINNERS THEREOF; the inhabitants of that city, who were guilty of so much idolatry and cruelty, and all sorts of luxury.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:10

THE CONSTELLATIONS; which consist of many stars, and therefore give a greater light. THE SUN SHALL BE DARKENED; either, 1. Properly and really, by an eclipse; for prodigies in heaven do sometimes go before or accompany great and public calamities upon earth. Or, 2. Figuratively, and in appearance.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:11

THE WORLD; the Babylonish empire, which is called the world, as the Roman empire afterward was, LUKE 2:1, because it was extended to a great part of the world, and because it was vastly populous, and Babylon itself looked more like a world than one city. OF THE TERRIBLE; of them who formerly were ve... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:13

I WILL SHAKE THE HEAVENS, AND THE EARTH SHALL REMOVE OUT OF HER PLACE; a poetical and prophetical description of great errors and confusions, as if heaven and earth were about to meet together.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:14

AND IT, to wit, Babylon, SHALL BE AS THE CHASED ROE; fearful in itself, especially when it is pursued by the hunter. AS A SHEEP THAT NO MAN TAKETH UP; in a most forlorn and neglected condition. EVERY MAN; those soldiers of other and more warlike nations whom she had hired to assist her; which she us... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:16

THEIR CHILDREN ALSO SHALL BE DASHED TO PIECES BEFORE THEIR EYES, as a just recompence for the like cruelty acted by them upon the Jews, 2 CHRONICLES 36:17, which also was foretold, PSALMS 137:9.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:17

THE MEDES; under whom he comprehends the Persians, who were their neighbours and confederates in this expedition. THEY SHALL NOT DELIGHT IN IT; which is to be understood comparatively. They shall more eagerly pursue the destruction of the people than the getting of spoil; whereby it shall appear tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:18

THEIR BOWS; under which are comprehended their arrows, and possibly other weapons of war; for so generally sometimes is the bow used in Scripture, as 2 SAMUEL 1:18 PSALMS 78:9 ISAIAH 41:2. _Shall dash the young men to pieces_; or, _shall pierce the young men through_, as the Chaldee readers it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:19

THE GLORY OF KINGDOMS; which once was the most noble and excellent of all the kingdoms then in being, and Was more glorious than the succeeding empires, whence it was represented by _the head of gold_, DANIEL 2:32. THE BEAUTY OF THE CHALDEES EXCELLENCY; the famous and beautiful seat of the Chaldean... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:20

IT SHALL NEVER BE INHABITED, after the destruction threatened shall be fully accomplished. NEITHER SHALL THE ARABIAN, who dwelt in tents, and wandered from place, where they could find pasture; but shall avoid this place, either because the land, once noted for great fruitfulness, is now become barr... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:21

WILD BEASTS OF THE DESERT SHALL LIE THERE; the land being forsaken by men, shall be possessed by wild beasts, which love solitary places. What the Hebrew words used here, and in the next verse, signify, the learned may see in my Latin Synopsis; and for others, it may suffice to know that in which al... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 13:22

HER TIME IS NEAR TO COME; so it was, though not according to man's rash judgment and impatient expectation, yet according to God's estimation, and to the eye of faith, whereby Abraham saw Christ's day as present, many ages before it came, 1 THESSALONIANS 8:56: and comparatively; for it happened with... [ Continue Reading ]

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