Isaiah 14:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 14 Israel should be delivered from the Babylonish captivity: their triumphant insultation over Babel, ISAIAH 14:1. God's purpose against Assyria, ISAIAH 14:24. Palestina is threatened, ISAIAH 14:28. THE LORD WILL HAVE MERCY ON JACOB; God will pity and deliver his people; and therefore... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:2

Which they might do literally, and sometimes did, after their return into their own land, either by their power with the Persian monarchs, as in the days of Cyrus and Darius, and especially of Ahasuerus; or by their own prowess, as in the time of the Maccabees. But this was more evidently and eminen... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:3

From thy fear; for besides their present hard service, they were in perpetual fear of further severities and sufferings, at the pleasure of their cruel lords and masters.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:4

SHALT TAKE UP into thy mouth, as it is fully expressed, PSALMS 50:16. HOW HATH THE OPPRESSOR CEASED! this is spoken by way of astonishment and triumph. Who would have thought this possible? THE GOLDEN CITY, as they used to call themselves; which therefore he expresseth here in a word of their own la... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:5

This is an answer to the foregoing question. It is God's own work, and not man s; and therefore it is not strange that it is accomplished.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:6

IN ANGER; with rigour, and not with clemency, as many conquerors have done. NON HINDERETH; neither the Babylonians themselves, nor their confederates, could withstand the power of the Medes and Persians.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:8

THE CEDARS OF LEBANON, which were felled down for the service of her pride and luxury, but now are suffered to stand and flourish. It is a figure usual in sacred and profane writers, called prosopopaeia.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:9

HELL; or, _the grave_, as the same word is rendered, ISAIAH 14:11, and in innumerable other places; to which he elegantly ascribeth sense and speech, as poets and orators frequently do. THE CHIEF ONES, Heb. _the he-goats_; which lead and govern the flock. _From their thrones_; from their several gra... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:10

THOU, who wast king of kings, and far superior to us in power and authority, that didst neither fear God nor reverence man, _that didst slay whom thou wouldst, and keep alive whom thou wouldst_, DANIEL 5:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:11

THY POMP IS BROUGHT DOWN TO THE GRAVE; all thy glory is lost and buried with thee. THE NOISE OF THY VIOLS; all thy musical and melodious instruments, which were much used in Babylon, DANIEL 3:5,7,10, and were doubtless used in Belshazzar's solemn feast, DANIEL 5:1, at which time the city was taken;... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:12

FROM HEAVEN; from the height of thy glory and royal majesty. As kings are sometimes called gods in Scripture, so their palaces and thrones may be fitly called their heavens. O LUCIFER; which properly is a bright and eminent star, which ushers in the sun and the morning; but is here metaphorically ta... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:13

I WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN; I will advance myself above the state of a weak and mortal man. Great monarchs are easily induced, by their own vain imaginations, and the flattery of their courtiers, to entertain an opinion of their own divinity; so far that many of them have received and required Divine... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:14

ABOVE THE HEIGHTS OF THE CLOUDS, to wit, into heaven, as he said, ISAIAH 14:13. LIKE THE MOST HIGH, in the uncontrollableness of my power, and the universal extent of my dominion over all the earth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:16

SHALL NARROWLY LOOK UPON THEE; as hardly believing their own eyes, because this change seemed impossible to them. THE EARTH; all the nations of the earth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:17

Whereby he signifies both his irresistible power, and his continued cruelty. He neither was willing to give them any liberty or ease, nor could any force him to do it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:18

ALL OF THEM; other kings most commonly do, as the word _all_ is frequently used. EVERY ONE IN HIS OWN HOUSE; are buried in their own sepulchres, having stately monuments erected to their honour and memory.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:19

CAST OUT OF THY GRAVE; or, _cast from thy grave_ or _burying_ place; which very probably happened to Belshazzar, who was slain in the night, DANIEL 5:30, when his people had neither opportunity nor heart to bestow an honourable interment upon him, and the conquerors would not suffer them to do it. L... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:20

THOU SHALT NOT BE JOINED WITH THEM; not in place, for so the kings of several nations did not use to be joined in the same sepulchre; but in condition, not be buried as they are. THOU HAST DESTROYED THY LAND, AND SLAIN THY PEOPLE; thou hast exercised great tyranny and cruelty, not only to thine enem... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:21

PREPARE SLAUGHTER FOR HIS CHILDREN; O ye Medes and Persians, cut off all the branches of the royal family of Babylon. FOR THE INIQUITY OF THEIR FATHERS; in the guilt whereof the children are justly involved, partly because of that community of nature and interest which is between parents and childre... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:23

THE BITTERN; a great water fowl, which thrusting its bill into some broken reed, or hollow thing, makes a great noise; which also delights in solitary places, as also in waterish grounds, such as those were about Babylon. Others render the word _hedge-hog_, or _porcupine_; but this being not conside... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:24

I will not repent of this threatening, as I did of that against Nineveh, JONAH 3:4,10. And this solemn oath is added to confirm the faith of God's people, because otherwise the destruction of this vast and mighty empire might seem incredible. But it is to be diligently observed, that this verse doth... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:25

THE ASSYRIAN; Sennacherib, and his Assyrian army. In my land; in Judea, which is my land in a peculiar manner, being chosen by me, and consecrated to my use and service, and inhabited by my people. UPON MY MOUNTAINS; in my mountainous country, for such Judea was, DEUTERONOMY 8:9 PSALMS 133:3 EZEKIEL... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:26

UPON THE WHOLE EARTH; upon this vast empire, now in the hands of the Assyrians, and shortly to come into the hands of the Babylonians. THE WHOLE EARTH is put synecdochically for a great part of it. The hand; the providence of God executing his purpose.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:28

This following burdensome prophecy concerning the Philistines, who in Ahaz's time made an inroad into Judah, and took divers of their cities and villages, 2 CHRONICLES 28:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:29

OF HIM THAT SMOTE THEE: most understand this of Uzziah, who did them much mischief, 2 CHRONICLES 26:6; but he was dead thirty-two years before this time, and therefore their joy for his death was long since past. Others understand it of Ahaz; but he was so far from smiting them, that he was smitten... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:30

THE FIRST-BORN OF THE POOR; the people of the Jews, who are brought to extreme poverty by the cruelty and the malice of other enemies. The first-born were the chief of all the children. Hence the title of _first-born_ is given to persons or things which are most eminent in their kinds, as to the peo... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:31

O GATE: _the gate_ is put either, 1. Metaphorically, for the people passing through the gates, or for the magistrates and others who used to meet in the gate for judgment, or upon other occasions; or, 2. Synecdochically, for the city, as gates are commonly put, as JEREMIAH 22:19, and as it is expl... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 14:32

WHAT SHALL ONE THEN ANSWER THE MESSENGERS OF THE NATION? what shall a Jew say to the people of other nations, who shall either be sent or come to inquire concerning the state of Zion in that day, when not only the Philistines, but even the Jews themselves, shall fall by the hands of one and the same... [ Continue Reading ]

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