Isaiah 18:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 18 God, in defence of his church and punishing her enemies, will destroy the Ethiopians, ISAIAH 18:1: an access thereby shall be to the church, ISAIAH 18:7. THE LAND; either, 1. Of Arabia; or, 2. Of Ethiopia beyond Egypt; or, 3. Of Egypt, as some both ancient and later interpreters... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:2

THAT SENDETH AMBASSADORS; that at this time are sending ambassadors, after their manner, to strengthen themselves with leagues and alliances, whereby they think to prevent those judgments and calamities which, notwithstanding all their endeavours, I will bring upon them. The first part of this verse... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:3

SEE YE; take notice of what I say and God will do. Or, _ye shall see it_; you shall be eye-witnesses of this dreadful woe or judgment which I am bringing upon the people of whom I have spoken: The prophet doth in a manner summon all nations to bear witness of his prophecy, and of the accomplishment... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:4

I WILL TAKE MY REST, I will sit still, and not bestir myself, either to help this people, or to hinder their enemies. God is said in Scripture _to rest_ or _sit still_, when he doth not work on the behalf of a person or people; as, on the contrary, he is said _to bestir_ himself when he acts for the... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:5

AFORE THE HARVEST; before they receive the end of their hopes, and finish the work which they have designed and begun. WHEN THE BUD IS PERFECT, AND THE SOUR GRAPE IS RIPENING IN THE FLOWER; when the bud or flower is turned into a perfect but unripe grape, which gives hopes of a good vintage. The bod... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:6

The sprigs and branches being cut down and thrown upon the ground, with the unripe grapes upon them, they shall lie upon the earth neglected by men, as being unripe, and unfit for their use, so that either birds or beasts may shelter themselves with them, or feed on them, both summer and winter. You... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:7

IN THAT DAY; which is to be taken largely and indefinitely, as it is frequently in the prophets, as we have already seen, and shall more fully see hereafter. At or after that time, when the judgment threatened in the foregoing verses shall be fully and completely executed, whereby that people will b... [ Continue Reading ]

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