Isaiah 20:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 20 The captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia represented, to take off the Jews from seeking to them for help. TARTAN; a great commander in Sennacherib's army, 2 KINGS 18:17. ASHDOD; an eminent and strong city of the Philistines, JOSHUA 13:3 1 SAMUEL 5:1, in the utmost part of the land of Ca... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 20:2

LOOSE THE SACKCLOTH; ungird it and put it off; the antecedent put for the consequent, which is very usual, as hath been often noted. God would sometimes have his prophets to add to their word a visible sign, to awaken people's minds to a more serious consideration of the matters proposed to them. TH... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 20:3

WALKED NAKED AND BAREFOOT THREE YEARS; not constantly, but when he went abroad among the people, to whom this was appointed for a sign. Some think it was only three days, a day being usually put for a year in prophetical scriptures, as NUMBERS 14:33,34 EZE 4:4-6. But although a day be put for a year... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 20:4

LEAD AWAY, like beasts, of which this word is commonly used. THEIR BUTTOCKS UNCOVERED; having their garments cut off by the middle, to the discovery of their buttocks and their secret parts. Compare 2 SAMUEL 10:4 ISAIAH 47:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 20:5

THEY; all they that shall trust to them, and glory in them, as appears from the following words; the pronoun they being put indefinitely here, as it is ISAIAH 2:19, and elsewhere. But under this general expression the Israelites not only are comprehended, but seem to be principally intended, because... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 20:6

OF THIS ISLE; of this land, in which the prophet was, and to whose inhabitants these words were uttered. For the title of _isles_ or _islands_ in Scripture is frequently given not only to lands encompassed with the sea, but also to such countries as lay upon the sea-coasts, as PSALMS 72:10 EZEKIEL 2... [ Continue Reading ]

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