Be still, Heb. Be silent, as one confounded, and not knowing what to say, or as mourners use to be, Job 2 8,13 Isa 47:5; boast no more of thy wealth and power, as thou usedst to do. Of the isle, Heb. of Tyrus, which now was an island, Ezekiel 27:3, Ezekiel 28:2, till Alexander joined it to the continent, as Pithy reports. Although the title of islands is oft given by the Hebrews to places bordering upon the sea. Zidon; an eminent city of Palestine, nigh unto Tyre, much concerned with her and for her. That pass over the sea; that are a seafaring people. Have replenished; with mariners, Ezekiel 27:8, and commodities.

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