ISAIAH CHAPTER 24 Judgments on Judah for their defilements and transgressions, Isaiah 24:1. A remnant shall praise God, Isaiah 24:13. God, by his judgments on his people and their enemies, will advance his kingdom, Isaiah 24:16. The earth; or, the land, to wit, of Canaan, or Israel, or Judea. It is usual with all writers, when they write of their own country, to call it the land, by way of eminency. There are many things in this prophecy which manifestly concern this land and people; and nothing, at least before Isaiah 24:21, which may be taken as a new and additional prophecy, which is necessary to be understood of other nations. But this I speak with submission, and due respect to those learned and judicious interpreters who take this to be a prophecy against Judea, and all the neighbouring nations. Maketh it waste; he will shortly make it waste, first by the Assyrians, and then by the Chaldeans. Turneth it upside down; bringeth it into great disorder and confusion.

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