Isaiah 25:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 25 God glorious in his judgments on Babel, ISAIAH 25:1, and his people's salvation, ISAIAH 25:6. The prophet reflecting upon those great and glorious prophecies which he had delivered concerning the destruction of his enemies, and the protection and deliverance of his people, and the... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:2

A CITY; which is put collectively for cities. He speaks of the cities of STRANGERS, as the following clause explains it, or of enemies of God, and of his people. And under the name cities he comprehends their countries and kingdoms, of which cities are an eminent and commonly the strongest part. A P... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:3

Thy stoutest enemies observing thy wonderful works, in saving thy people, and in destroying others of thine and their adversaries, shall be either converted, or at least convinced, and forced to acknowledge thy power, and shall tremble before thee.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:4

FOR THOU HAST BEEN A STRENGTH TO THE POOR, & c.; for thou hast defended thy poor and helpless people against the fiercest assaults of their enemies. WHEN THE BLAST OF THE TERRIBLE ONE IS AS A STORM AGAINST THE WALL; or, _for_ (as this particle commonly signifies; or rather, _therefore_, as it is fre... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:5

THE NOISE; the tumultuous noise, as the word properly signifies, which he called their blast in the foregoing verse; by which he means their rage and furious attempts, which are commonly managed with much noise and clamour. OF STRANGERS; of those strange and heathen nations that fought against God's... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:6

IN THIS MOUNTAIN; in Mount Zion, to wit, in God's church, which is very frequently meant by the names of Zion and Jerusalem, both in the Old and in the New Testament. MAKE UNTO ALL PEOPLE, both Jews and Gentiles, who shall then be admitted to the participation of the same privileges and ordinances,... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:7

THE FACE OF THE COVERING; which is put either, 1. For the covering of the face, by an hypallage, as silver of shekels is put for shekels of silver, LEVITICUS 5:15; or, 2. For the covering or VEIL, as the next clause expounds it; the word face being oft superfluously used in the Hebrew language, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:8

HE, the Lord, expressed both in the foregoing and following words, even the Messiah, who is God and man, will swallow up death; shall by his death destroy the power of death, as is said, HEBREWS 2:14; take away the sting of the first death, and prevent the second death, and give eternal life to the... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:9

IT SHALL BE SAID BY GOD'S PEOPLE, in way of triumph and reply to their enemies, LO, THIS IS OUR GOD: your gods are senseless and impotent idols; but our God is omnipotent, and hath done these great and glorious works, which fill the world with admiration. We may well boast of him, for there is no Go... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:10

SHALL THE HAND OF THE LORD REST; the powerful and gracious presence of God (which is oft signified in Scripture by God's hand) shall have its constant and settled abode; _it shall not move from place to place_, as it did with the tabernacle; nor shall it depart from it, as it did from Jerusalem; but... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 25:11

HE; either, 1. Moab, who being plunged into a sea of troubles, shall endeavour to swim out of it, but to no purpose; or rather, 2. The Lord, who is designed by this very pronoun he, both in the latter clause of this verse, and in the following verse; whose power they shall be no more able to resist... [ Continue Reading ]

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