He, the Lord, expressed both in the foregoing and following words, even the Messiah, who is God and man, will swallow up death; shall by his death destroy the power of death, as is said, Hebrews 2:14; take away the sting of the first death, and prevent the second death, and give eternal life to the world, even to all that believe in him. In victory, Heb. unto victory, i.e. so as to overcome it perfectly; which complete victory Christ hath already purchased for, and will in due time actually confer upon, his people. Will wipe away tears; will take away from his people all sufferings and sorrows, and all the causes of them; which is begun here, and perfected in heaven. The rebuke of his people; the reproach and contempt which was daily cast upon his faithful people by the ungodly world, and, among others, by the apostate and unbelieving Jews, who accounted the Christians to be the scum and offscouring of all things. From off all the earth; or, from off all this land, i.e. from all the church and people of God, wheresoever they shall be, from all their faces, as was said in the foregoing clause. The Lord hath spoken it; therefore doubt not of it, though it seem incredible to you.

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