Isaiah 38:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 38 Hezekiah in his sickness receiveth from Isaiah a message of death, ISAIAH 38:1. By prayer, ISAIAH 38:2,3, hath his life lengthened: the sun goeth backward for a sign thereof, ISAIAH 38:4. His song of praise to God, ISAIAH 38:9. No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:9

HEZEKIAH was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost, and inspired by him to write this, both as a testimony of his own gratitude to God, and for the instruction of after-ages.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:10

I SAID, to and within myself, I concluded it. IN THE CUTTING OFF OF MY DAYS; when my days were cut off by the sentence of God, related here, ISAIAH 38:1. I SHALL GO TO THE GATES OF THE GRAVE; I perceive that I must die without any hopes of prevention. The grave is called a man's _long home_, ECCLESI... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:11

I SHALL NOT SEE THE LORD; I shall not enjoy him; for _seeing_ is put for _enjoying_, as hath been frequently noted. IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING; in this world, which is so called, PSALMS 27:13, PSALMS 116:9 ISAIAH 53:8; in his sanctuary: which limitation is prudently added, to intimate that he expecte... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:12

MINE AGE IS DEPARTED; the time of my life is expired. AS A SHEPHERD'S TENT, which is easily and speedily removed. I HAVE CUT OFF, to wit, by my sins, provoking God to do it. Or, I do declare, and have concluded, that my life is or will be suddenly cut off; for men are oft said in Scripture to do tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:13

When I was filled with pain, and could not rest all the night long, even till morning, my thoughts were working and presaging that God would instantly break me to pieces, and that every moment would be my last; and the like restless and dismal thoughts followed me from morning till evening. But he m... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:14

LIKE A CRANE OR A SWALLOW; or, _a crane_ and _a swallow_; the conjunction and being here, as it is HABAKKUK 3:11, and elsewhere, understood, as is manifest from JEREMIAH 8:7, where it is expressed with these very words. SO DID I CHATTER; my complaint and cry was like to the noise of a swallow, quick... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:15

WHAT SHALL I SAY I want words sufficient to express my deep sense of God's dealings with me. HE HATH BOTH SPOKEN UNTO ME, AND HIMSELF HATH DONE IT; he did foretell it by his word, and effect it by his hand. This clause and verse is either, 1. A continuance of his complaint hitherto described: God h... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:16

BY THESE THINGS; by virtue of thy gracious word or promise, and powerful work; by thy promises, and thy performances of them, mentioned in the foregoing verse. This place may be explained by comparing it with DEUTERONOMY 8:3, _Man doth not live by bread, but by every word that proceedeth out of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:17

FOR PEACE I HAD GREAT BITTERNESS; my health and prosperity was quickly changed into bitter sickness and affliction. Or, as others render it, _my great bitterness was unto peace_; was turned into prosperity, or became the occasion of my safety and further advantages; for that drove me to my prayers,... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:18

In this and the following verse, he declares God's design in delivering him, that he might praise him in his church, which if he had died he could not have done. THE GRAVE CANNOT PRAISE THEE; the dead are not capable of glorifying thy name among men upon earth; which I desire and determine to do. Se... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:19

HE SHALL PRAISE THEE; they are especially obliged to it, and they only have this privilege. THE FATHER TO THE CHILDREN SHALL MAKE KNOWN THY TRUTH; they shall not only praise thee whilst they live, but take care to propagate and perpetuate thy praise and glory to all succeeding generations.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:20

WAS READY TO SAVE ME; was a present help to me, ready to hear and succour me upon my prayer in my great extremity. WE; both I and my people, who are concerned in me, and for me will sing forth those songs of praise which are due especially from me, for God's great mercy to me. WILL SING MY SONGS TO... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:21

This was rather a sign appointed by God, than a natural means of the cure; for if it had a natural faculty to ripen a sore, yet it could never cure such a dangerous and pestilential disease, at least in so little time.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 38:22

HEZEKIAH ALSO HAD SAID; or, _For Hezekiah had said_; had asked a sign, which is here added as the reason why Isaiah said what is related in the foregoing verse, to wit, in answer to Hezekiah's question. THAT I SHALL GO UP, within three days, as is more fully related, 2 KINGS 20:5,8, TO THE HOUSE OF... [ Continue Reading ]

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