Isaiah 39:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 39 The king of Babel sendeth ambassadors with letters and a present to Hezekiah; who showeth them all his treasures, ISAIAH 39:1. Isaiah foretelleth him of the Babylonish captivity, ISAIAH 39:3. His resignation, ISAIAH 39:8. No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 39:8

The history contained in this chapter is related in the same words, 2 KINGS 20:12, &c., only he who here is called _Merodach_ is there called _Berodach_, merely by the change of one letter, which is very usual in the Hebrew language, especially in proper names, as _Dimon_ is put for _Dibon_, ISAIAH... [ Continue Reading ]

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