Isaiah 43:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 43 Promises to protect and enlarge the church, ISAIAH 43:1. God appealeth to them as witnesses of his power and knowledge, ISAIAH 43:8. He foretelleth them the destruction of Babylon, and a new deliverance of his people, ISAIAH 43:14; whose sins, ISAIAH 43:22, against God's mercies, r... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:2

Though I will chastise thee for thy sins, yet I will not suffer thine enemies utterly to destroy thee: compare JEREMIAH 30:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:3

I GAVE EGYPT FOR THY RANSOM: this was fulfilled either, 1. When God smote the Egyptians, both first-born and others, in Egypt, and drowned Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea, for the safety and benefit of his people; or, 2. When the king of Assyria, either Sennacherib, as many think, or rather Es... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:4

SINCE THOU WAST PRECIOUS IN MY SIGHT, THOU HAST BEEN HONOURABLE, AND I HAVE LOVED THEE: so the sense is, From that time that I chose time for my precious and peculiar treasure and people, I have had a great esteem and affection for thee. But the words may well be, and by some are, rendered thus, _Si... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:5

Although the Jews shall for their sins be carried captives out of their own land northward and eastward into Babylon and the adjacent countries, and others of them shall flee southward and westward, and shall there pine away in their iniquities, as I threatened; yet their posterity I will bring back... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:6

GIVE UP; thou who hast so long had and held my people in bondage, resign them to me, and permit them to return to their own land. He speaks either to the countries themselves by a prosopopoeia, or to the inhabitants of them. Bring my sons; do not only permit, but assist and further, their return.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:7

EVEN EVERY ONE THAT IS CALLED BY MY NAME: THEY ARE CALLED BY MY NAME; I own them for my people and children; and therefore what kindness or cruelty you exercise to them I take it as done to myself. So it is an argument to move those people to let their captives go; or it is an argument to confirm th... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:8

The sense is either, 1. Bring out of captivity my people who were blind and deaf, but now have their eyes and cars opened by my grace. So this verse relates to the foregoing passages. Or rather, 2. O ye idolatrous Gentiles, produce and bring forth your false gods, which have eyes, but see not; and... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:9

LET THE PEOPLE BE ASSEMBLED, to plead the cause of their idols with me. WHO AMONG THEM CAN DECLARE THIS? this wonderful work of mine in bringing my people out of captivity, which I have already foretold, and shall further declare; and that so exactly, that I shall name the person by whom this work s... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:10

YE ARE MY WITNESSES; they can produce no witnesses for themselves, but you my people are able to witness for me, that I have given you many plain demonstrations of my certain foreknowledge of future events, by my predictions and promises delivered to you from time to time. MY SERVANT WHOM I HAVE CHO... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:11

That can and doth save his worshippers: whereby he implies that the false gods were not only weak, and unable to save their people, but also were the destroyers of their people, as being the great cause of their ruin.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:12

I HAVE DECLARED, AND HAVE SAVED; I first foretold your deliverance, and then effected it. I HAVE SHOWED; I foretold it. This branch he repeated, because this is the principal argument used here, and ISA 41, to determine this controversy between God and idols. WHEN THERE WAS NO STRANGE GOD AMONG YOU;... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:13

BEFORE THE DAY WAS; before all time; or, which is all one, from all eternity: or, _since the day was_; since the beginning of time and things, in all ages since the creation of the world. I AM HE; I am God, and I have proved myself to be so. THERE IS NONE, none of those which are called gods, _that... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:14

I HAVE SENT TO BABYLON; I have sent Cyrus, and the Medes and Persians with him, to war against Babylon, to this very end and purpose, that he might deliver you out of captivity, and restore you to your land according to promise. HAVE BROUGHT DOWN from that height of power and glory to which they wer... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:15

YOUR HOLY ONE; THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, as he frequently styleth himself, who sanctify and glorify myself in this and such other glorious works, with respect to you, or for your benefit.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:16

Who as he formerly made a pathway for his people through the Red Sea, so he will in no less wonderful manner remove all impediments or difficulties out of the way of his people, when they return from Babylon.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:17

WHICH BRINGETH FORTH THE CHARIOT AND HORSE, THE ARMY AND THE POWER; or rather, _Who brought forth the chariots_, &c., i.e. Pharaoh, and his chariots, and homes, and army; as may be gathered from the next verse, where the things here mentioned are called _former things, and things of old_. _They shal... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:18

But although your former deliverance out of Egypt was in itself a most glorious work, which you ought always to remember and consider; yet this other work of your deliverance out of Babylon by Cyrus, and those blessings which shall follow upon it, and particularly that inestimable mercy of sending t... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:19

A NEW THING; such a work as was never yet done in the world, even the redemption of the world by the Messiah. NOW; shortly, although it was not to be done till after some hundreds of years. For so the Scripture oft speaketh of things at a great distance of time as if they were now at hand, as HAGGAI... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:20

THE BEAST OF THE FIELD SHALL HONOUR ME; shall have cause, if they had abilities, to honour and praise me for their share in this mercy. Possibly _the beast of the field_ may mystically signify the Gentiles, whom the Jews reputed as beasts, and who were as destitute of all saving knowledge as the bea... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:21

THIS PEOPLE; my people, as he now called them, ISAIAH 43:20: consisting in part of the Jews, but especially of the Gentiles; HAVE I FORMED FOR MYSELF; THEY SHALL SHOW FORTH MY PRAISE; I have created as it were out of nothing, I have called them into my church, that I might have glory and praise from... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:22

BUT; or, _for_, as this conjunction is oft used. So this may be added as a reason why God called the Gentiles to be his people, because the Jews forsook him. THOU HAST NOT CALLED UPON ME; thou hast grossly neglected or very slightly performed the duties of my worship. THOU HAST BEEN WEARY OF ME; tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:23

THOU HAST NOT BROUGHT ME THE SMALL CATTLE OF THY BURNT OFFERINGS; either, 1. Because thou didst not offer thy sacrifices to me, but to idols. Or rather, 2. Because what thou didst offer was not done to me, not for my sake, not from a principle of love and obedience to me, not to please and honour m... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:24

THOU HAST BOUGHT ME NO SWEET CANE; or, calamus, as this word is rendered, EXODUS 30:23, which was used in the making of that precious ointment, EXODUS 30:34, and as a perfume, or for the incense, EXODUS 30:7: see JEREMIAH 6:20. The meaning of this clause seems to be this, Thou hast been niggardly in... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:25

I, EVEN I; I whom thou hast thus despised, and wearied, and provoked to destroy thee. THAT BLOTTETH OUT THY TRANSGRESSIONS OUT OF MY BOOK, in which they were all written, and to be lead unto thee and charged upon thee another day. See JEREMIAH 17:1 REVELATION 20:12. Sins are oft compared to debts, M... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:26

PUT ME IN REMEMBRANCE: I remember nothing by which thou hast deserved my favour and the pardon of thy sins; if thou knowest any such thing, bring it to my mind, I allow thee free liberty to plead with me, as it follows; and if thou hast right on thy side, I will justify thee. It is an ironical speec... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:27

THY FIRST FATHER; either, 1. Adam, from whom the guilt and filth of sin is propagated to thee; or rather, 2. Abraham, who might well be called the _first father_ of the Israelites, because they all descended from him, had all their right and title to God's ordinances and promises, and other special... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:28

I HAVE PROFANED; as they have made themselves profane, so I have dealt with them as such, without any regard to the sacredness and dignity of their functions. I have exposed them to contempt and destruction. THE PRINCES OF THE SANCTUARY; the highest and best of your priests, whose persons were most... [ Continue Reading ]

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