Have not I told thee? thee, O Israel, whom he bids not to fear. The sense is, I call you Israelites to bear me witness, whether I have not, from time to time, acquainted you with things to come, such as your sojourning in a strange land for four hundred years, and your deliverance and happiness after that time, Genesis 15:13,14, and many things of the like nature? From that time; from the time when I appointed the ancient people, as I now said, Isaiah 44:7. These were pregnant instances of God's prediction of things to come, not only from the beginning of the Jewish commonwealth, but even from the first ages of the world, as unto Enoch, Jude 14, and unto Noah, Ge 6 13, to say nothing of what other authors relate concerning Adam and Seth. Have declared it; have published it to the world in my sacred records. My witnesses, both of my predictions, and of the exact agreeableness of events to them. Is there a God besides me? judge by this character whether I be not the only true God. Yea, there is no God; I know not any; if any of you be wiser than I am, I am willing to be informed. It is a sarcastical speech. But this clause may be, and is by others, taken interrogatively, do not I know it ? Is it not a certain and undeniable truth, that there is no other God?

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