Isaiah 45:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 45 Cyrus's work and strength foretold, ISAIAH 45:1. God hath all power, ISAIAH 45:5; will assist Cyrus, ISAIAH 45:13,14. The mystery of Providence, ISAIAH 45:15. Idols and their worshippers shall be destroyed, and God alone exalted, 16 21. The Gentiles come in to Christ, ISAIAH 45:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:2

I WILL GO BEFORE THEE, to remove all obstructions, and to prepare the way for thee, as it follows. I WILL BREAK IN PIECES THE GATES OF BRASS, AND CUT IN SUNDER THE BARS OF IRON; I will destroy all them that oppose thee, and carry thee through the greatest difficulties.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:3

THE TREASURES OF DARKNESS; such as have been stored up and long kept in dark and secret places, as well in Babylon, JEREMIAH 50:37, JEREMIAH 51:13, as in other countries, which Cyrus conquered; and from which he took infinite treasures, as Pliny and others relate. THAT THOU MAYEST KNOW, by the accom... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:4

I HAVE EVEN CALLED THEE BY THY NAME; I have called thee to this honour, and that by name; not for thy sake, but for Israel's sake; therefore do not despise them, thou wilt find them a poor and enslaved people, neither be puffed up into a great opinion of thyself. I HAVE SURNAMED THEE, THOUGH THOU HA... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:5

I GIRDED THEE; I made thee strong and active, and fitted and disposed thee for these great and warlike enterprises. For these were the uses and significations of girding in Scripture: see 1 KINGS 20:11 PSALMS 18:32, PSALMS 45:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:6

THAT THEY MAY KNOW; that all nations may know it by my foretelling of these things so long beforehand, and by the wonderful success that I shall give thee, and by my overruling thins heart, and counsels, and victories, to the deliverance of my people according to my promise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:8

LET THE SKIES POUR DOWN RIGHTEOUSNESS; the righteous and gracious acts of God for his people shall be so many and illustrious, as if God rained down showers of righteousness out of heaven. LET THE EARTH OPEN; open itself, either to receive those showers of righteousness to be poured down from heaven... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:9

WOE UNTO HIM THAT STRIVETH WITH HIS MAKER! This woe is denounced, either, 1. Against those Jews who, hearing this and many other prophecies and promises of their deliverance out of captivity, and vet continuing in captivity, were ever prone to distrust God, and to murmur at him for punishing them s... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:10

As it were an absurd and impudent thing for a child to quarrel with his parents, either simply for begetting him, or for begetting him of this or that sex, contrary to his desire; no better is it for any persons to quarrel with God the Maker and FATHER OF ALL THINGS, as God is called, 1 CORINTHIANS... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:11

HIS MAKER; Israel's Maker, who not only created him, as I did all others, but made him a new creature, and a peculiar people to myself. ASK ME OF THINGS TO COME CONCERNING MY SONS, AND CONCERNING THE WORK OF MY HANDS COMMAND YE ME: the words thus rendered contain a concession or permission; and the... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:12

I HAVE MADE THE EARTH, AND CREATED MAN UPON IT; they are wholly and solely my creatures, and therefore absolutely at my disposal. ALL THEIR HOST HAVE I COMMANDED; I have commanded them to be, or made them by my command, or the word of my power: compare PSALMS 148:5.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:13

I HAVE RAISED HIM; Cyrus, who; was named before, ISAIAH 45:1. IN RIGHTEOUSNESS; not in a way of absolute sovereignty, as I might have done, but most justly, to punish the wicked Babylonians, to plead the cause of the innocent oppressed ones, to manifest my own righteousness, and truth, and goodness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:14

THE LABOUR OF EGYPT; the wealth gotten by their labour. _Men of stature_; a tall and strong people, who yet shall use their strength not to oppose thee, but to serve thee, and to bring their labour to thee. SHALL COME OVER UNTO THEE; either, 1. To thee, O Cyrus: because thou wast so generous as to... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:15

These are the words of the prophet, drawn from him by the contemplation of the great and various works and dispensations of God towards his church, and in the world. THAT HIDEST THYSELF, to wit, from thy people for a season. Thy counsels are deep and incomprehensible, thy ways and carriages are past... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:16

THEY; the idolatrous Gentiles, as it is explained in the end of the verse, opposed to Israel in the beginning of the next verse. MAKERS; either the artificers, or the chief masters that set them on work, and consequently all their worshippers; although the makers being most guilty, and the cause of... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:17

WITH AN EVERLASTING SALVATION; not for a short time, as it was in the days of the judges and of the kings, under whom their dangers and calamities did frequently return upon them; but unto all ages, as it follows; whence it appears that he speaks not only nor chiefly of their deliverance out of Baby... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:18

This description of God is here added, either, 1. To detect the vanity of idols, by asserting that none was to be owned as the true God besides that one God who made the heavens and the earth, and the inhabitants thereof. Or, 2. To demonstrate God's sufficiency to fulfil all these glorious promise... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:19

I HAVE NOT SPOKEN IN SECRET, in a dark place of the earth: the heathen idols deliver their oracles darkly and doubtfully, in obscure cells and caverns of the earth, or out of the bellies of their priests; but I have delivered my oracles to Israel publicly and plainly, as one that was neither afraid... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:20

ASSEMBLE YOURSELVES AND COME; DRAW NEAR TOGETHER; to debate the business with me concerning the divinity of your idols, and hear what I have said, and am now about to say again, in that matter. YE THAT ARE ESCAPED OF THE NATIONS; the remnant of the Gentiles, which shall survive those great and many... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:21

LET THEM TAKE COUNSEL TOGETHER, to maintain the cause of their idols. WHO HATH DECLARED THIS? this great work of which I have spoken, concerning Babylon's destruction, and the redemption of God's people. A JUST GOD AND A SAVIOUR; whereas the gods of the heathens are neither just nor saviours to thei... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:22

Upon these considerations, I advise all people upon earth, from one end to the other, to cast away their _idols_, and to turn their eyes and hearts to me, expecting salvation from me, and from me only; and their labour shall not be in vain; for they shall be saved: the imperative being put for the f... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:23

I HAVE SWORN BY MYSELF, which is the highest and most solemn oath that is possible, HEBREWS 6:13, and therefore signifies that the matter here sworn is of an extraordinary importance. THE WORD IS GONE OUT OF MY MOUTH IN RIGHTEOUSNESS; it is not a vain word rashly uttered, and afterwards never rememb... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:24

SHALL ONE SAY; or, _shall he say_; each or every one of those whom he now said that they should bow their knees to God, and swear by him, ISAIAH 45:23. Or, it shall be said; such active verbs being oft used impersonally. IN THE LORD; by or from God alone, or the Messiah, who is the true Jehovah as w... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 45:25

ALL THE SEED OF ISRAEL; all Israelites indeed, whether Jews or Gentiles; all believers, who are frequently called God's Israel in Scripture, as PSALMS 24:6 ROMANS 9:6, ROMANS 11:26 GALATIANS 6:16. JUSTIFIED; acquitted both from real guilt before God, and from all false aspersions before the world; f... [ Continue Reading ]

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