ISAIAH CHAPTER 48 God reproveth their hypocrisy and obstinacy by his
prophecies, ISAIAH 48:1. He spareth them for his name's sake, and that
they may learn to know him aright, ISAIAH 48:9. God's powerful
salvation a motive to obedience, ISAIAH 48:12. God lamenteth their
backwardness, ISAIAH 48:16. De... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR; or, as others render it, and this particle frequently signifies,
_Though_. And so this is added as a great aggravation of their want
and neglect of truth and righteousness. THEY SHALL CALL THEMSELVES OF
THE HOLY CITY: they glory in this, that they are citizens of
Jerusalem, a city sanctified by... [ Continue Reading ]
which have formerly come to pass, which I punctually foretold from
time to time before they came to pass; whereby I gave you full proof
of my Godhead. THEY CAME TO PASS; what my mouth foretold my hand
effected.... [ Continue Reading ]
BECAUSE I KNEW: therefore I gave thee the more and clearer
demonstrations of my Divine nature and providence, because I knew thou
wast an unbelieving and perverse nation, that would not easily nor
willingly be convinced. THY NECK IS AN IRON SINEW, which will not bow
down to receive my yoke, nor to o... [ Continue Reading ]
I foretold these things, that it might be evident that they were the
effects of my counsel, and not of thine idols, as I knew thou wast
very inclinable to believe.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU HAST HEARD, SEE ALL THIS; as thou hast heard all these things
from my mouth, from time to time, so now I advise thee to see, i.e.
seriously to consider them, and to lay them to heart. WILL NOT YE
DECLARE IT? I call you to witness; must you not be forced to
acknowledge the truth of what I say? D... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY ARE CREATED NOW, i.e. revealed unto thee by me; brought to light,
as things are by creation. Things are frequently said to be made or
done in Scripture, when they are declared or manifested. JOB 5:3, _I
cursed_, i.e. I pronounced it cursed. PSALMS 2:4, _That thou mightest
be justified_, i.e. de... [ Continue Reading ]
repeated again and again, because this was so illustrious a proof of
the infinite power and providence of the God of Israel, and so clear
and full a discovery of the vanity of idols. YEA, FROM THAT TIME THAT
THINE EAR WAS NOT OPENED; H... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR MY NAME'S SAKE WILL I DEFER MINE ANGER: and although thou dost
justly deserve my hottest anger and most dreadful judgments, which
also, if thou repentest not, I will in due time inflict; yet at
present I will spare thee, and deliver thee out of captivity, not for
thy sake, be it known to thee, b... [ Continue Reading ]
I HAVE REFINED THEE; or, _I will refine thee_. Although I will not cut
thee off, or utterly destroy thee, as I now said; yet I will put thee
into the furnace, not to consume thee, but to purify thee from that
dross which cleaveth to thee, and needs such afflictions to purge it
away. NOT WITH SILVER;... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL I DO IT; this great work of delivering my people out of Babylon.
_My name_ is here fitly supplied, both out of ISAIAH 48:9, where it is
expressed, and out of the following clause of this verse, where he
saith, MY GLORY, which is equivalent to it. The sense is, If I should
not spare and deliver... [ Continue Reading ]
ISRAEL MY CALLED; whom I have called out of the world to be my
peculiar people, to serve, and glorify, and enjoy me; and therefore
you of all others have least cause to forsake me, or to follow after
idols.... [ Continue Reading ]
HATH SPANNED; or, _doth span_, i. e. _mete out the heavens with a
span_, as the phrase is, ISAIAH 40:12, although that be expressed
there in other Hebrew words. Or, _hath spread them out with its palm_,
or _like a palm_, when the hand is stretched out. WHEN I CALL UNTO
THEM, THEY STAND UP TOGETHER;... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL YE; ye Jews, to whom he addressed his speech, ISAIAH 48:12, and
continueth his speech, ISAIAH 48:16,17, &c. _Assemble_; I challenge
you all to answer what I have said before, and am now going to say
whom any of you have served... [ Continue Reading ]
I, EVEN I; both the foreknowledge and the execution of this great
achievement cannot be ascribed to idols, but to me only. HE SHALL MAKE
HIS WAY PROSPEROUS; God will give him good success in this
undertaking. Here is a sudden change of the person from _I to he_,
which is very usual. Or, as others re... [ Continue Reading ]
COME YE NEAR UNTO ME, that you may the better hear me, as it follows.
A speech of God after the manner of men. I HAVE NOT SPOKEN IN SECRET;
I have not smothered the counsel and word of God, but have plainly and
publicly declared it. unto you; or, I have openly revealed my mind to
you. SEE POOLE ON ... [ Continue Reading ]
WHICH TEACHETH THEE TO PROFIT; which from time to time have made known
unto thee, not vain and frivolous things, but all necessary and useful
doctrines; which, if believed and observed by thee, would have been
infinitely profitable to thee, both for this life and that to come. So
that it is not my f... [ Continue Reading ]
been on my part, but on thine: I gave thee my counsels and commands,
but thou hast neglected and disobeyed them, and that to thy own great
disadvantage. Such wishes as these are not to be taken properly, as if
God longed for someth... [ Continue Reading ]
THY SEED ALSO HAD BEEN AS THE SAND, to wit, for multitude, according
to my promise made to Abraham; whereas now I have, for thy sins, made
thee to know my breach of promise, as is said. NUMBERS 14:34, and
greatly diminished thy numbers. THE OFFSPRING OF THY BOWELS; which
come out of thy bowels, or b... [ Continue Reading ]
GO YE FORTH OF BABYLON: the imperative is here, as it is very
frequently, put for the future, Ye _shall go forth_, &c.; for this is
not so much a command as a promise; although this form of speech may
be the rather used to intimate that it was their duty _to go forth_,
as well as God's promise to ca... [ Continue Reading ]
This is part of the matter which the Jews are obliged to declare to
all people, as they have opportunity, to wit, that God took the same
care of them in their return from Babylon to Canaan, which was through
many dry and desolate places, as he did in their march from Egypt to
Canaan. THEY THIRSTED N... [ Continue Reading ]
God having in the next foregoing verses foretold, that peace and
blessed deliverance which he would certainly give to _his servant
Jacob_, ISAIAH 48:20, he here adds an explication and limitation of
this mercy, and declareth that wicked men should not enjoy the benefit
of this mercy; where, by _the... [ Continue Reading ]