Thy seed also had been as the sand, to wit, for multitude, according to my promise made to Abraham; whereas now I have, for thy sins, made thee to know my breach of promise, as is said. Numbers 14:34, and greatly diminished thy numbers. The offspring of thy bowels; which come out of thy bowels, or belly, or loins; for all these are but various expressions of the same thing. His name; which is continued in a man's posterity, and commonly dies with them; and so the name here is the same thing in effect with the seed and offspring in the former clauses, which, for the most part, are only the memorials of men, and of their names, when they are dead and gone. Should not have been cut off, as now it hath been in a great measure; and should have been totally and finally cut off, if I had not spared them for my own name's sake, as he said before. From before me; or, out of my sight; out of their own land, the place of my special presence and residence.

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