ISAIAH CHAPTER 51 Abraham our pattern to trust in Christ; in his promises, and righteous salvation: this is constant, but men are transitory, Isaiah 51:1. A prayer of the godly in affliction, Isaiah 51:9. The Lord's answer, Isaiah 51:12. He bewaileth Jerusalem, Isaiah 51:17. The bitter cup taken from her, and given to her enemies, Isaiah 51:21. Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness: now he turneth his speech again to the believing and godly Jews. That seek the Lord; that make it your chief care and business to seek favour and help from God. Look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged; consider the state of Abraham and Sarah, when they procreated Isaac, from whom Jacob and all of you sprang; for so he explains the metaphor in the next verse. He compareth the bodies of Abraham and Sarah unto a rock, or pit, or quarry out of which stones are hewed or digged, thereby implying that God in some sort actually did that which Christ said he was able to do, Matthew 3:9, even of stones to raise up children unto Abraham; it being then as impossible by the course of nature for Abraham and Sarah in that age to procreate a child, as it is to hew a living child out of a rock, or to dig one out of a pit of stone.

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