ISAIAH CHAPTER 59 Sin separates between God and us, ISAIAH 59:1,2.
Murder, theft, falsehood, injustice, cruelty, ISAIAH 59:3. Calamity
for sin, ISAIAH 59:9. Salvation only of God, ISAIAH 59:16. The
covenant of the Redeemer, ISAIAH 59:20,21. THE LORD'S HAND IS NOT
SHORTENED; he is not grown weaker th... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE SEPARATED; have been as a thick wall between God and you; have
set him at a great distance, PROVERBS 15:29. HAVE HID HIS FACE: this
may be put synecdoehically for the whole person; and the prophet
speaking of God by an anthropopathy, may understand his _presence_;
and then it is, hath made him... [ Continue Reading ]
YOUR HANDS ARE DEFILED WITH BLOOD: here the prophet comes from a more
general to a more particular charge against them; by blood we are to
understand either murders and bloodshed properly so called; or ways of
injustice, extortion, oppression, and cruelties, whereby men are
deprived of a livelihood;... [ Continue Reading ]
NONE CALLETH FOR JUSTICE, i.e. none seek to redress these wrongs and
violences; they commit all rapines and frauds under impunity; either,
1. Because the judges are corrupt. Or,
2. Because none will warn the judges of their duty. Or,
3. Because none seek to bring offenders to justice. Or,
4. Beca... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY HATCH COCKATRICE EGGS; or _adder_, or _basilisk_; one kind put
for any venomous creature; a proverbial speech, signifying by these
eggs mischievous designs, and by _hatching_ them their putting them in
practice: this is to show that mischief is natural to them, and they
can do no otherwise, poi... [ Continue Reading ]
THEIR WEBS SHALL NOT BECOME GARMENTS, i.e. their contrivances and deep
designs shall not advantage them, they being like a thin and raw
garment, either through which all their wretchedness and malice will
appear, as the next words intimate; or, for want of solidity and
substance, shall not be able t... [ Continue Reading ]
THEIR FEET RUN TO EVIL: this seems to be taken from PROVERBS 1:16. SEE
POOLE ON "PROVERBS 1:16". He had spoken of their hands, lips, and
heart, &c. before, and now of their _feet_, to show that they were
wholly set upon mischief. THEIR THOUGHTS, i.e. their heart and mind,
is set upon doing wrong and... [ Continue Reading ]
THE WAY OF PEACE THEY KNOW NOT; they are of such turbulent spirits,
living in such continual contentions and discords, that, breaking in
pieces the very bonds of society, they neither know,
1. How to make and keep peace; neither,
2. Do they feel or enjoy the sweet fruits of it; and therefore by
co... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREFORE IS JUDGMENT FAR FROM US: this seems to be spoken in the
person of those Jews that did partake of these sins, giving the reason
by way of complaint of those evils that they groaned under. _Justice:
judgment_, and so justice, is herb taken for deliverance, ISAIAH 1:27:
q.d. God doth not defe... [ Continue Reading ]
WE GROPE: as a blind man that hath no other eyes than his hands feels
for the wall, from whence he expects either direction or a resting
place to lean on; so they expect salvation as it were blindfold, not
taking direction from the prophets, but hoping to obtain it by their
cries and fasts, though t... [ Continue Reading ]
WE ROAR: this signifies the greatness of their anguish, that forced
from them these loud outcries. AND MOURN: this notes some sense of
their condition, that wrought in them these sorrowful lamentations; or
it may relate to the condition that both sorts of people were in under
their oppressing govern... [ Continue Reading ]
OUR TRANSGRESSIONS: the word here signifies sins of a high nature;
such as wherein there is much of man's will against light; rebellious
sins. ARE MULTIPLIED BEFORE THEE: q.d. They admit of no excuse; for
they are acted before thee, and multiplied against thee, whereby thou
art justly provoked to de... [ Continue Reading ]
He now enumerates some of those particular sins they profess
themselves to be convinced of, whereby he doth not mean the sins of
some particular persons, or some slight sins, but a general defection
and corruption of the whole body. IN TRANSGRESSING: properly, we rebel
against God, so the word is IS... [ Continue Reading ]
JUDGMENT IS TURNED AWAY BACKWARD: he speaks here of the sentences and
decrees in courts of judicature, which are carried quite contrary to
right and justice. God denies you justice, as you have denied help to
others. JUSTICE STANDETH AFAR OFF: it notes the same thing with the
former, to show that ju... [ Continue Reading ]
TRUTH FAILETH: q.d. Truth is more than fallen, which he had said in
the former verse; it _faileth_. For being only _fallen_ it may recover
itself again, but failing notes the loss of its very vitals; as being
every where neglected, in court, in city, in country, in inferior as
well as superior ranks... [ Continue Reading ]
NO MAN, viz. _to intercede_, which is supplied from the following
words; or no man to help in such a case, to show himself and appear in
such a corrupt state in the behalf of equity, as ISAIAH 59:4; the like
circumstances we have EZEKIEL 22:29,30; or none fit to intercede.
WONDERED, Heb. _iistomen_,... [ Continue Reading ]
a man of war against Babylon, that did now oppress his people, puts on
his arms, Heb. _wrapped himself_, and particularly his BREASTPLATE,
which he calls _righteousness_, to show the justness of his cause, as
also his faithfulness... [ Continue Reading ]
DEEDS, Heb. _recompences or deserts_, i.e. he will recompense his
adversaries with those effects of his fury that they have deserved.
FURY; a metonymy of the efficient, for the effects of his fury.
ISLANDS; or, _islanders_; a metonymy of the containing for the
contained; either Mesopotamia, and othe... [ Continue Reading ]
FEAR THE NAME OF THE LORD, i.e. either worship the Lord; for the name
of God is put for God himself, as hath been often showed, and fear is
put for his worship; or make his name renowned. FROM THE WEST, viz.
the western part of the world. HIS GLORY, or the glorious God. FROM
THE RISING OF THE SUN, v... [ Continue Reading ]
_ And, moreover, or to wit_; and being here not so much copulative as
expositive. THE REDEEMER: the word notes a redemption with power, viz.
1. Cyrus, the instrument for the efficient, viz. God the Redeemer,
ISAIAH 43:14, ISAIAH 45:13. Or,
2. Christ, of whom the apostle expounds it, ROMANS 11:26; t... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS IS MY COVENANT, or what I have promised, and so am engaged to see
fulfilled, viz. to them that turn from their iniquity; or rather, the
promise of his word and Spirit to abide in his church, upon which
account it is also that the Spirit is promised in the next words, by
which is understood eith... [ Continue Reading ]