Isaiah 6:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 6 The glory of the Lord, ISAIAH 6:1. Isaiah is terrified, ISAIAH 6:5; is confirmed for his message, ISAIAH 6:6. The people's obstinacy unto desolation, ISAIAH 6:9. A remnant shall be saved, ISAIAH 6:13. I SAW in a vision or ecstasy. The Lord; either, 1. God the Son, who frequently ap... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:2

ABOVE IT STOOD, as ministers attending upon their Lord, and waiting to receive and execute his commands, THE SERAPHIMS; certain holy and blessed angels, thus called from _fire_ and _burning_, which this word properly signifies; to represent either, 1. Their nature, which is bright and glorious, sub... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:3

ONE CRIED UNTO ANOTHER; singing in consort the praises of their Lord. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY: this is repeated thrice, either, 1. To intimate the Trinity of persons united in the Divine essence; or, 2. That he was most eminently and unquestionably holy in his present work of judgment, and in all his ways... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:4

THE POSTS OF THE DOOR, together with the door itself, as if the door was to be removed, and the temple thereby to be exposed to the view and rapine of profane persons. Such violent motions were commonly tokens of God's anger. HIM THAT CRIED, to wit, the angel, which cried; ISAIAH 4:3. FILLED WITH SM... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:5

I AM A MAN OF UNCLEAN LIPS; I am a great sinner, as many other ways, so particularly by my lips, which being in a special manner consecrated to God by my prophetical office, should have been entirely devoted to him; but, alas! my speeches, either to God in prayer, or from God in preaching and prophe... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:6

THEN FLEW ONE OF THE SERAPHIMS UNTO ME, by God's command, _having a live coal_; both a token and an instrument of purification, as the next verse explains it. FROM OFF THE ALTAR OF BURNT-OFFERING, which stood in the court of the priests near the porch, and which had always coals of fire upon it, LEV... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:7

HE LAID IT UPON MY MOUTH slightly, so as only to touch my lips, and not to burn them; which God could easily effect. THY SIN PURGED; this is a sign that I have pardoned and purged the uncleanness of thy lips, and do own and accept time as a fit minister for my service.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:8

WHOM SHALL I SEND, AND WHO WILL GO FOR US, to deliver the following message? The change of the number, I and US, is very remarkable; and both being meant of one and the same Lord, do sufficiently intimate a plurality of persons in the Godhead. HERE AM I; SEND ME: God's last and great favour to him d... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:9

THIS PEOPLE; not MY PEOPLE, for I disown them, as they have rejected me. UNDERSTAND NOT, PERCEIVE NOT: the Hebrew words are imperative; yet they are not to be taken as a command what the people ought to do, but only as a signification and prediction. what by their own wickedness, and by God's just j... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:10

FAT, i.e. stupid and senseless; for the fat which is in the body is without sense; and fatness in the heart makes it dull and heavy. Thus this phrase is used PSALMS 119:70. And this seems best to agree with the following words. This making of their hearts fat is here ascribed to the prophet, as it i... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:11

LORD, HOW LONG? an abrupt speech, arising from the prophet's great passion and astonishment. How long shall this dreadful judgment last? UNTIL THE LAND BE UTTERLY DESOLATE; until this land be totally destroyed, first by the Babylonians, and afterward by the Romans.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:12

HAVE REMOVED MEN FAR AWAY; have caused this people to be carried away captive into far countries. AND THERE BE A GREAT FORSAKING IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND; till houses and lands be generally forsaken of their owners, either because fled away from the sword into strange lands, or because they went int... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 6:13

A TENTH; a small remnant reserved, that number being put indefinitely, as is very usual. SHALL RETURN, to wit, on, of the Babylonish captivity, into their own land. SHALL BE EATEN; that remnant shall be devoured and destroyed a second time by the kings of Syria, and afterwards more effectually by th... [ Continue Reading ]

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