ISAIAH CHAPTER 6 The glory of the Lord, Isaiah 6:1. Isaiah is terrified, Isaiah 6:5; is confirmed for his message, Isaiah 6:6. The people's obstinacy unto desolation, Isaiah 6:9. A remnant shall be saved, Isaiah 6:13. I saw in a vision or ecstasy. The Lord; either,

1. God the Son, who frequently appeared to the patriarchs and prophets, and that sometimes in the form of a man. Or rather,

2. The Divine Majesty as he subsisteth in three persons, as may be gathered both from the plural number us, used of this Lord, Isaiah 6:8, and comparing other scriptures; for God the Father is described as sitting upon a throne, Daniel 7:9,13, and elsewhere; and the glory of God here manifested is said to be Christ's glory, 1 Thessalonians 12:41, and the words of the Lord here following are said to be spoken by the Holy Ghost, Acts 28:25. Sitting upon a throne, in the posture of a judge, to hear causes, and give sentence. Lifted up towards the roof of the temple. His train; or, as the word properly signifies, and is here rendered by divers, the skirts or borders of him, or of it, to wit, his royal and judicial robe; for he is represented as a judge. Filled the temple; his glorious robes reached down to the bottom of the temple, and were spread abroad in the temple, which was an evidence of a more than ordinary majesty. The temple may be here taken either,

1. Largely, and so it includes the courts as well as the house, as that word is oft used; or,

2. Strictly, for the house itself, or for that part of the temple in which this vision was exhibited, which may seem to have been the porch, for that was much higher than the other parts.

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