ISAIAH CHAPTER 64 The church's prayer continued, for the illustration
of God's glory, ISAIAH 64:1: with a confession of their sins, and
complaint of their afflictions, ISAIAH 64:6. OH THAT THOU WOULDEST
REND THE HEAVENS: either the earnest desire of the prophet, or the
Jews strong wish, for the comi... [ Continue Reading ]
AS WHEN THE MELTING FIRE BURNETH; come with such zeal for thy people,
that the solid mountains may be no more before thy breath than metal
that runs, or water that boils by the force of a vehement fire; and
thus, for the most part, when God will take vengeance of his enemies,
the Scripture expresset... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN THOU DIDST TERRIBLE THINGS: this may relate to what he did among
the Egyptians, though it be not recorded, and afterward in the
wilderness. WHICH WE LOOKED NOT FOR, viz. our forefathers, of whose
race we are; before we expected them; or such things as we could never
expect. THE MOUNTAINS FLOWED... [ Continue Reading ]
Whereas there are but three ways whereby men ordinarily come to the
knowledge of a thing, viz. by the ear, either our own hearing, or by
hearsay; and by the eye; and by reason, which the apostle adds, where
he makes use of this text, 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9; two of them are
mentioned here. BESIDES THEE; w... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU MEETEST HIM; or, _wast wont_ to meet him; or, thou preventest
him, ISAIAH 65:24 PSALMS 21:2,3, as the father the prodigal. _That
rejoiceth and worketh righteousness_, viz. that rejoice to work
righteousness; the same thing expressed by two words, by a figure
called hendiadis. THAT REMEMBER THEE... [ Continue Reading ]
WE ARE ALL AS AN UNCLEAN THING: he alludes either to things unclean
under the ceremonial law, wherein the leprosy was found, and was to be
burnt, LEVITICUS 13:55; or rather to persons unclean. They compare
their present state with the former: q.d. Formerly there were some
that feared thee, and walke... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THERE IS NONE; or, yet there is none, i.e. few, PSALMS 14:3; they
are not to be discerned among the multitude. THAT CALLETH; such as
call upon thee as they ought, as Jacob, and Moses, and David, &c. did,
which often prevents the ruin of a state or kingdom: it points out the
universal apostacy of... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT NOW, O LORD, THOU ART OUR FATHER; an argument or pathetical plea
for pity; or, Notwithstanding all this, thou art our Father, both by
creation and by adoption, therefore pity us thy children. WE ARE THE
CLAY; a metonymy of the matter, clay for the vessels made of clay; or,
we are clay, pointing... [ Continue Reading ]
viz. Thou hast been angry with us a long time, be not so for ever; but
deal with us as may best consist with a father's bowels. It hath
reference both to _quantity_ and _time_, that it might not be very
great, nor of long durance. S... [ Continue Reading ]
THY HOLY CITIES; either Zion and Jerusalem, being the cities they
instance in: q.d. Thy holy cities, viz. Zion and Jerusalem: or rather,
other cities also in the land of Judea besides those two; called
_holy_, either,
1. Because they were built upon God's inheritance, ISAIAH 63:17. Or,
2. Because... [ Continue Reading ]
OUR HOLY AND OUR BEAUTIFUL HOUSE; the _temple_, ISAIAH 60:7: q.d. Not
only our cities, and our principal cities, but even our _temple_,
which we thought sacred and inviolable, in which we have gloried,
because it was thine, and our _fathers_, and _ours_, the place where
thy holy service was performe... [ Continue Reading ]
Babylonians? do none of these things move thee to take vengeance on
them? WILT THOU HOLD THY PEACE; wilt thou be as one that regards not?
Wilt thou be still, and suffer them? AND AFFLICT US VERY SORE: see
ISAIAH 64:9: for these ou... [ Continue Reading ]