Those who are the children of Abraham (not considered as the father of the Jewish nation only, but considered as the father of many nations, and as the father of the faithful, or who are the children of God, being believers, and receiving Christ, and so are your brethren, how contemptible soever you judge them) shall be brought out of all nations for an offering to the Lord. God will have no more offerings of bullocks, and rams, or lambs, but of men and women, reasonable services, Romans 12:1; he will have an offering up of the Gentiles, Romans 15:16. And because the Gentiles are many of them far off from Jerusalem, and as yet farther off from God, Ephesians 2:17, God will find out fit means for this end, as horses, and litters, and mules, and swift beasts are, to bring men and women long journeys. And they shall be brought into the church, which began at Jerusalem; and lifts you may be assured of, for the Lord hath said it, who cannot lie nor repent. And they shall come with as much joy and gladness, with as much sincerity and holiness, as the godly Jews use and exercise when they bring their offerings in clean vessels.

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