Isaiah 8:1

ISAIAH CHAPTER 8 Syria and Israel should be subdued by Assyria, ISAIAH 8:1. Judah also should be afflicted, ISAIAH 8:5, God's judgments irresistible, and to be feared, ISAIAH 8:9. The Lord is a sanctuary to the godly, a stone of stumbling to the wicked, ISAIAH 8:14,15. The prophecy sure; God to be w... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:2

Persons of unquestionable reputation, who should bear witness that the following name and prophecy was written and published by me, according to God's command.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:3

I WENT UNTO, Heb. _I came near to her_. A modest expression of the conjugal act. THE PROPHETESS; so called, partly as she was the prophet's wife, wives being frequently denominated from their husbands titles, as the wives of _mayor, or doctor_, &c, are commonly called _mayoress, doctoress_, &c.; and... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:4

TO CRY, MY FATHER, AND MY MOTHER; to speak, and to know his parents; which is within the space of two years. And this agrees with the other prophecy, ISAIAH 7:16, BEFORE THE CHILD SHALL KNOW TO REFUSE THE EVIL, AND CHOOSE THE GOOD, which requires a longer time than to distinguish his parents from st... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:6

THIS PEOPLE; either, 1. The people of Judah, which are supposed to have grown weary of their present government, and out of distrust of God's protection designed to revolt from God, and from the house of David, and to put themselves under the power and protection of the kings of Syria and Israel. B... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:7

THEREFORE; because they despise the opposition which they have from Shiloah and Jerusalem, they shall have a more potent enemy. UPON THEM; upon Israel. See on the foregoing verse. _Of the river_ of Euphrates, oft called THE RIVER, for its eminent greatness; whereby he understands the Assyrian forces... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:8

HE; or, _it_, to wit, the river, ISAIAH 8:7 which yet designs the same person and thing, to wit, the invasion of the king of Assyria. SHALL PASS THROUGH JUDAH; and when he shall have finished his work against you, he shall invade the land of Judah, as Sennacherib did some few years after his conques... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:9

O YE PEOPLE; Syrians and Israelites. Immanuel's name inspireth the prophet with new courage, and makes him send a challenge to all God's enemies, and foretell their certain downfall. YE OF FAR COUNTRIES; whosoever you be, whether far or near, who do or shall conspire against Immanuel's land. GIRD YO... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:10

SPEAK THE WORD; declare and fix your purpose, and make your boast of it. GOD IS WITH US; the almighty and only true God fighteth for us, and against you. He gives the interpretation of the name Immanuel expressed before, ISAIAH 8:8; for though the word in the Hebrew be the same here and them, yet th... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:11

WITH A STRONG HAND; with a vehement and more than ordinary inspiration, strongly imprinting it in my mind. _Of this people_; of the generality of the people of Judah; whose eminent danger and calamity he foretells, ISAIAH 8:8, but withal gives them full assurance that God would deliver them out of i... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:12

SAY YE NOT, thou, Isaiah, and thine and my children, A confederacy; do not approve of or consent to this wicked design of making a confederacy with the king of Assyria. THEIR FEAR; that thing which they fear, that if they do not call in the Assyrian succours, they shall certainly be destroyed by tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:13

SANCTIFY THE LORD OF HOSTS; give him the glory of his power, and goodness, and faithfulness, by trusting to his promises for your deliverance. LET HIM BE YOUR FEAR; let God, and not the kings of Syria and Israel, be the chief object of your fear.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:14

YOUR SANCTUARY; a sure refuge to all that truly fear him, and rely upon him. FOR A STONE OF STUMBLING AND FOR A ROCK OF OFFENCE; an occasion of sin and ruin, at whom they will take offence and stumble, so as to fall and be broken, as it is expressed, ISAIAH 8:15. TO BOTH THE HOUSES OF ISRAEL; to the... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:15

MANY AMONG THEM; not all, for there shall be a remnant, as was foretold, ISAIAH 4:2, ISAIAH 5:13. SHALL STUMBLE AT THAT STONE OR ROCK, mentioned ISAIAH 8:14. This was accomplished at the coming of the Messias, whom the Jews rejected to their own destruction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:16

These are, by the consent of all, God's words to the prophet. _By the testimony and the law or doctrine_ (for so this word is frequently taken) he understands one and the same thing, as he doth also to wit, the word of God, and especially that which is the main scope and substance thereof, the doctr... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:17

AND, or, as this particle is rendered JEREMIAH 2:32,35, and elsewhere, yet, notwithstanding this dreadful prophecy concerning the unbelief and rejection of Israel, I WILL WAIT UPON THE LORD; I will refer myself and this matter unto God, casting my care upon him, and expecting the accomplishment of h... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:18

BEHOLD; it is worthy of your observation and admiration. These words are literally spoken by Isaiah concerning himself, but withal mystically concerning Christ, of whom he speaks more frequently and fully than any other prophet, and of whom he was an evident type; and therefore they are fitly applie... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:19

WHEN THEY, the Israelites, to whom I and my children are signs and wonders, who are fallen from God, and his true religion and worship, into superstition and idolatry, and will endeavour to seduce you into the same impiety, shall say unto you, my children, whom the prophet here arms against the comm... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:20

TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY; let this dispute between you and them be determined by God's word, which is here and in many other places called THE LAW, to signify their obligation to believe and obey it; and the testimony, because it is a witness between God and man of God's mind and will, and of... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:21

AND THEY, the idolatrous and apostatical Israelites, SHALL PASS THROUGH IT, or, _in it_, to wit, their own land, which is easily understood out of the context, and from the phrase itself; the pronoun relative being put without an antecedent, as it is in other places, which have been formerly noted.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 8:22

THEY SHALL LOOK UNTO THE EARTH; finding no help from heaven, they turn their eyes downward, looking hither and thither for comfort. TROUBLE AND DARKNESS. &c.; many words expressing the same thing are put together, to signify the variety, and extremity, and continuance of their miseries.... [ Continue Reading ]

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