Shall have no joy in their young men; shall not rejoice over them to do them good, as he doth to his people, Isaiah 62:5 Zephaniah 3:17; will not have mercy or pity on them, as the next clause explains it. but will abhor and utterly destroy them; for more is here intended than is expressed, as Proverbs 17:21. Neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows, who are the special objects of his care and pity, Deuteronomy 16:11,14 Deuteronomy 24:19,20, and much less upon others. Every one; not precisely, for there were seven thousand elect persons among them, when they seemed to Elijah to be universally corrupt, 1 Kings 19:18; but the body or generality of the people. Is an hypocrite; for though they professed to worship and serve the true God, yet indeed they had forsaken him. Or, a profane person, as this word is rendered, Jeremiah 23:15, as also Isaiah 32:6. An evil-doer; elsewhere called a worker of iniquity, as Job 31:3 Psalms 5:5 Matthew 7:23; one that gives up himself to a constant course and custom of sinning. Speaketh folly, i.e. wickedness, which is commonly called folly. They are not ashamed to proclaim their own wickedness, and the corruption of their hearts breaketh forth into ungodly speeches.

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