Blessed is the man theft endureth; holds out against the assaults and impressions of temptations with patience and constancy, James 5:11 Hebrews 12:5,7. Temptations; afflictions, as James 1:2. For when he is tried; approved, and found upon the trial to be sound in the faith: a metaphor taken from metals tried by fire, and found pure. He shall receive the crown of life; so the heavenly glory is called, Revelation 2:10, either because it is not to be had but in eternal life, or because of its duration and not fading away, 1 Peter 5:4. Which the Lord hath promised: this shows on what gronnd it is to be expected, viz. on the account of the promise, and how sure we may be of it. To them that love him; i.e. all true believers, whose faith, and thereby title to the crown, is evidenced by love, which is the fulfilling of the law. Objection. Why not, promised to them that suffer for Christ, of whom he here speaks? Answer. That is implied, for none have him more, or evidence their love to him more, than they, that suffer for him.

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