My brethren; both as being of the same nation and the same religion; so he calls them, that the kindness of his compellation might sweeten his exhortations. Count it; esteem it so by a spiritual judgment, though the flesh judge otherwise. All joy; matter of the chiefest joy, viz. spiritual. So all is taken, 1 Timothy 1:15. When ye fall into; when ye are so beset and circumvented by them, that there is no escaping them, but they come upon you, though by the directeth of God's providence, yet not by your own seeking. Divers temptations; so he calls afflictions, from God's end in them, which is to try and discover what is in men, and whether they will cleave to him or not. The Jews were hated by other nations, and the Christian Jews even by their own, and therefore were exposed to divers afflictions, and of divers kinds, 1 Peter 1:6.

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