JAMES CHAPTER 4 JAMES 4:1 Our evil lusts and passions tend to breed
quarrels among ourselves, and to set us at enmity with God. JAMES 4:7
The way to overcome them, and recover God's favour. JAMES 4:11,12
Against detraction and censoriousness. JAMES 4:13 We must not presume
on the future, but commit... [ Continue Reading ]
YE LUST; passionately and greedily desire. AND HAVE NOT; either soon
lose, or rather cannot get, what ye so lust after. YE KILL; some
copies have it, ye envy, and many suppose that to be the better
reading, as agreeing with the context, and with JAMES 3:14; envy being
the cause of strife there, and... [ Continue Reading ]
YE ASK; he prevents an objection; q.d. Admit you do pray for the good
things you want, or, though you pray for them. YE ASK AMISS; though
you pray for good things, yet you do not pray well, or in a right
manner, not according to God's will, 1 JOHN 5:14, and therefore ye are
not to complain of not be... [ Continue Reading ]
YE ADULTERERS AND ADULTERESSES; he means adulterers and adulteresses
in a spiritual sense, i.e. worldly-minded Christians, who being, by
profession, married to the Lord, yet gave up those affections to the
things of the world which were due to God only. The like expression is
used, MATTHEW 2:39; MAT... [ Continue Reading ]
vainly, i.e. to no purpose. This question hath the force of a
negation, q.d. It doth not speak in vain. QUESTION. What is it which
the Scripture doth not speak in vain? ANSWER. Either those truths he
had been speaking of before, partic... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT HE; either the Spirit of God, if _spirit_ in the former verse be
understood of the Spirit of God; or God, if _spirit_ be there taken
for the spirit of man. GIVETH MORE GRACE; either, though we, according
to our natural inclination, be envious, yet God (or his Spirit) is
bountiful and liberal; or... [ Continue Reading ]
SUBMIT YOURSELVES THEREFORE TO GOD; viz. voluntarily and freely, and
that not only in a way of obedience to all his commands, but (which is
chiefly meant here) in a way of humility, and sense of your weakness,
and emptiness, and need of his grace. THEREFORE; both because of the
danger of pride, (opp... [ Continue Reading ]
DRAW NIGH TO GOD; by faith, which is a coming to God, HEBREWS 7:25; by
true repentance, which is a returning to God, HOSEA 14:1 ZECHARIAH
3:7; and by fervent prayer to him for the help of his grace, PSALMS
25:1. AND HE WILL DRAW NIGH TO YOU; by the manifestation of his grace
and favour to you, parti... [ Continue Reading ]
BE AFFLICTED; humble yourselves for your sins, before mentioned, and
in the sense of wrath approaching, if ye do not. AND MOURN, with
inward sorrow of heart. AND WEEP; show your inward grief by weeping,
the usual expression and sign of it. LET YOUR LAUGHTER; your carnal
rejoicing in what you get by... [ Continue Reading ]
HUMBLE YOURSELVES: the same duty pressed again, only with respect to
the more internal part of it, the debasement of the heart, lest they
should rest too much in the outward exercises before mentioned. They
did lift up themselves through pride and emulation, and he shows them
the best way to the tru... [ Continue Reading ]
SPEAK NOT EVIL ONE OF ANOTHER; viz. unless in the way of an ordinance,
by reproof, admonition, &c., LEVITICUS 5:1 1 CORINTHIANS 1:11, 1
CORINTHIANS 11:18 2 CORINTHIANS 11:13 2 TIMOTHY 4:14,15. He forbids
all detraction, rigid censuring, and rash judging the hearts and lives
of others, when men conde... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE IS ONE LAWGIVER; one absolute, supreme, universal and spiritual
Lawgiver, and who can simply and directly bind men's consciences, and
make laws for their souls, PROVERBS 8:15,16 ISA 33:22 ACTS 4:19. By
this he intimates, that they did invade God's right, who took upon
them a legislative power... [ Continue Reading ]
GO TO NOW; either this is a note of transition, or of command to
inferiors, or rather of admonition to such as are stupid or rash, and
tends to the awakening their attention, and stirring them up to the
consideration of their duty, danger, &c. YE THAT SAY; either with your
mouths, or in your hearts.... [ Continue Reading ]
shall continue till then, or what else shall then be, or not be. In
vain do ye boast of whole years, when ye cannot command the events of
one day. FOR WHAT IS YOUR LIFE? This question implies contempt, as 1
SAMUEL 25:10 PSALMS 14... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THAT YE OUGHT TO SAY: it is the real acknowledgment of God's
providence, and the dependence of all our affairs upon him, which is
here required; and this is to be done, either expressly with the mouth
in such like forms of speech as this is, so far as is needful for our
glorifying God, and disti... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT NOW YE REJOICE, or, glory; ye please yourselves with them. IN YOUR
BOASTINGS; viz. of your carnal projects, and hopes of what you intend
to do, and expect to get: q.d. You vainly boast of your designs and
successes, without taking notice of God's providence, under the
government of which you and... [ Continue Reading ]
Either this may relate to all that the apostle had been before
speaking of; q.d. I have admonished you of your duty, and now ye know
what ye are to do, and therefore if you do it not it will be your sin:
or, it may refer to what he was immediately before discoursing of, and
may be spoken to prevent... [ Continue Reading ]