O Lord, correct me: q.d. Seeing thou wilt bring the Chaldeans upon us to punish us for our sins, let it be a correction only, not a destruction and utter ruin. But with judgment; let it be in measure, in judgment, i.e. in wisdom, proportioning it as a father toward his children, Jeremiah 30:11; for so the Hebrew mishpat signifies, and thus judgment is taken, Isaiah 30:18. We refuse not correction, but we cast ourselves upon thee, therefore in the midst of judgment remember mercy. Not in thine anger; the reason of this he gives in the next clause; lest if thou shouldst let out thy fury. upon me, thou wouldst bring me to nothing, i.e. thou wouldst utterly consume me, or make me few, as Heb., that I should be no more a people, never lift up the head again.

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