Jeremiah 13:1

JEREMIAH CHAPTER 13 In the type of a linen girdle God prefigureth their destruction, JEREMIAH 13:1. Under the parable of bottles filled with wine, is foretold their drunkenness with misery, JEREMIAH 13:12. He exhorteth to prevent these judgments by repentance for their sins, which are the cause ther... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:2

ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD; that is, according to God's command. AND PUT IT ON MY LOINS; and used it as God commanded me, never disputing the reason why God bid me do such a thing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:4

God having commanded the prophet to procure such a girdle as was before mentioned, and to tie it upon his loins, he a second time comes to him, and commandeth him to take this girdle, and carry it to Euphrates. This was one of the four great rivers that the river out of the garden of Eden divided it... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:5

Most think that Jeremiah did this but in a vision, for it was a very long journey for the prophet to take to go from Anathoth or Jerusalem as far as Euphrates. Jeremiah was obedient to God's command, without any disputing or asking God the meaning of this injunction to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:6

God, who had bidden the prophet go and hide the linen girdle, after some considerable time speaks again to him to go and take it away from the place where he had lodged it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:7

Whether the prophet really made such a journey, or all this was but a vision, is very uncertain. When he came to the place, or in his vision, he thought, when he came to the place, that he saw all the girdle rotted; and good for nothing but to be thrown upon a dunghill.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:9

By this it appears that God commanded Jeremiah to do this, not only as a representation of the rotten and corrupt state of this people, but of his vengeance, which should suddenly be brought upon them, though they were a proud _people_, lifted up and swelled in the opinion of themselves, from the fa... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:10

Hitherto the prophet had yielded a blind obedience to God, doing what he commanded him, though he possibly knew no other reason for it but because God bade him do so (which is a homage we owe unto God, though to none but him); now God expounds himself what he meant to teach the Jews by this, viz. th... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:11

Here God openeth to the prophet why he commanded him to put the girdle about his loins, viz. to show that he of his singular favour had used the Jews as a man useth girdle, which he fasteneth about his loins; and as a man weareth his girdle, made up of some costly materials, for an honour and praise... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:12

God by his prophet showeth them their ruin in another glass, he bids the prophet tell them that EVERY BOTTLE SHOULD BE FILLED WITH WINE. Wine was what they delighted in; HOSEA 3:1, _they loved flagons of wine_, and were for those prophets that would prophesy to them of wine and strong drink, MICAH 2... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:13

There is a _wine of astonishment and confusion_, PSALMS 60:3, a wine that intoxicateth, and inflameth, and stupifieth, as well as a wine that refresheth; saith God, With that wine I will fill all orders of persons, KINGS, PRIESTS, PROPHETS, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Nor shall the throne... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:14

And I will set them one against another, raising up an evil spirit of division amongst them, that they shall be like earthen bottles dashed one against another, which are easily broken in pieces. I will have no pity on them, therefore let them not presume upon my mercy, and pity, and compassion; for... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:15

God ordinarily subjoineth exhortation and counsel to his reproof, if peradventure people will change their hearts and ways. Having threatened them, therefore the prophet speaketh to them, that they would yet hear, and that not formally, but GIVE EAR; not exalting themselves against God, and nourishi... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:16

Glorify God, by a humble confession of your sins, JOSHUA 7:19,20, by submitting yourselves to God, JAMES 4:7, humbling yourselves under his word, JAMES 4:10, and under his mighty hand, 1 PETER 5:6, before God brings upon you his great and heavy judgments before threatened. As a state of prosperity i... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:17

That is, if you will not listen to what I say, take heed to what I say, and obey the counsel which I give you, I shall seriously and secretly mourn for your rebellion and obstinacy, which is rooted in your pride, and lifting up yourselves against the Lord's monitions and counsels; and I shall also m... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:18

The author of holy writ is discernible by this as by other things, that the Scripture equally speaks to the greatest persons as to persons of meaner rank. God here calls to the king of Judah, whether it was at this time Jehoiakim, or his son Jehoiachin, is uncertain. By PRINCIPALITIES he means both... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:19

Either the cities of Judah which lay southward from Chaldea, and therefore their enemies in the next verse are said to come from the north, and this great evil is said to have come from the north; or (as some would have it) the cities of Egypt, which lay yet more southward, so as the Egyptians shoul... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:20

He speaks to them as if their enemy was even then upon their march, that if they did but look they might see him coming. WHERE IS THE FLOCK THAT WAS GIVEN THEE, THY BEAUTIFUL FLOCK? the prophet either speaks to the king, or to the rulers, or chief of the congregation of Judah. PROVERBS 14:28, _In th... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:21

That is, thou wilt have nothing to say, but be wholly confounded and ashamed when God shall visit thee with this sore judgment, or when Nebuchadnezzar's army sent by God shall visit thee; for thou, either by thy commerce and trading with them, or by thy so often calling them to thy assistance, or by... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:22

Hypocrites will rarely confess their own shame and God's righteousness, but are ready to expostulate and dispute with God, and to call him to account why he hath dealt so with them, as if God had dealt unjustly. But (saith God) if thou shouldst have any such thoughts in thine heart, do but remember... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:23

In the Hebrew it is, CAN THE CUSHITE, & c.? from whence it is well concluded, as learned men judge, that the Ethiopians are of the posterity of Cush the son of Ham, brother to Mizraim, the father of the Egyptians, GENESIS 10:6. For these were the only people of old noted for their black colour in Sc... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:25

This is what thou shalt have at the Lord's hand, the dispensation which thou shalt meet with, and thou mayest thank thyself for it; for hadst thou remembered either my former kindness to thee, or the law that I gave thee, this had not come unto thee; but thou hast forgotten me, and trusted in lies,... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:26

Therefore I will expose thee to all manner of shame and contempt, without any regard to thy honour. Those that honour God, God will honour, but those that despise and dishonour him shall not be able to maintain their own honour.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 13:27

Some think the prophet here reflects upon them for their corporal adulteries, and their madness upon them, which he compareth to the NEIGHINGS of horses; but those words ON THE HILLS IN THE FIELDS in the next clause seem to inform us that he means here only their idolatries, which are in holy writ o... [ Continue Reading ]

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