JEREMIAH CHAPTER 13 In the type of a linen girdle God prefigureth their destruction, Jeremiah 13:1. Under the parable of bottles filled with wine, is foretold their drunkenness with misery, Jeremiah 13:12. He exhorteth to prevent these judgments by repentance for their sins, which are the cause thereof, Jeremiah 13:15. God's design, by what is recorded in this chapter, is by two types, as in two glasses, to let the people understand by the prophet how he looked upon them, and what they were in his eyes, and also what he would do unto them, and they might expect from him; to this purpose he directeth the prophet to procure himself a girdle, not woollen, but linen, made of flax, or the like, and to put it not upon his clothes, but upon his loins, to signify (as some think) that this people were a people whom God had made near to him. He commands him not to put it in water, to soften it, as some think; linen newly made, before it is wetted in water, being rough; and this they conceive the prophet was forbidden, for a further type of the stiffness, and roughness, and stubbornness of this people. Others think, to typify that God was no cause of this people's rotting and growing corrupt.

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