Astonied; the Hebrew word here used being found in no place of holy writ but this, hath given interpreters a liberty to translate it variously, sleepy, weak, astonished, frighted, like a man in such disorder, through some great passions, that he is able to do nothing. As a mighty man that cannot save; like a man who in his own nature is strong and mighty enough, but through sickness or passion is so weakened, that he cannot put forth any strength for the succour and relief of his friends. Yet (saith the prophet) thou art in the midst of us; that is, we have thy temple, to which thou hast promised thy special presence; or rather it is to be understood of the whole land, according to what God had declared, Numbers 5:3, Numbers 35:34, Defile not the land which ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell: for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel. We are called by thy name; that is, we are called the Lord's people, and that not only by others, amongst whom we have that repute, but by thyself. God often calleth his people in Scripture his people, his portion. Therefore he begs that God would not leave them; he means as to that special providence by which he had formerly watched over them, and cared for them, and been a protection to them; nor as to his ordinances, and his special gracious presence with them in his temple.

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