There was a time when I saw folly in the prophets that belonged to the ten tribes, whose chief city was Samaria. The word translated folly signifies unsavoury, or an absurd thing. Our Saviour compareth wicked ministers to unsavoury salt, Matthew 5:13, salt that is turned foolish (as the Greek word signifies). The ministers of God's word are, or ought to be, the salt of the earth, to season people with sound doctrine, and by the good example of a holy life; if they be corrupt in doctrine or manners, they become unsavoury, and the very worst of men. Such God says the prophets of the ten tribes were, before they were carried away captive. They prophesied, pretending they had their instructions and revelations from Baal, and so caused the ten tribes to err, which after the division of the kingdom in Jeroboam's time were called Israel, in contradistinction to the two tribes and half cleaving to the house of David, which were called Judah, after the name of their principal tribe.

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